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Iphisa dorothy »

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Higher TaxaGymnophthalmidae (Gymnophthalminae), Iphisini, Sauria, Gymnophthalmoidea, Squamata (lizards)
Common Names 
SynonymIphisa dorothy MELLO, RECODER, FOUQUET, RODRIGUES & NUNES 2023: 16
Iphisa elegans (‘Candidate species II’) — NUNES et al. 2012: 361 (part)
Iphisa elegans — RIBEIRO-JÚNIOR et al. 2017: 169 (part) 
DistributionBrazil (Amazonas)

Type locality: Comunidade São Sebastião dos Bargas (3° 47ʹ 23.5′′ S, 59° 02ʹ 06.8′′ W; WGS 84) municipality of Nova Olinda do Norte, state of Amazonas, Brazil  
TypesHolotype: CHUFPE R-1366 (field number SMS 648). Collected on 16 July 2010 by Sérgio Marques de Souza.
Paratypes: Brazil: Amazonas: Comunidade Projó: INPA 18432, INPA 18445; Igarapé-Açú, Abacaxis River (right margin): MZUSP 100251; São Sebastião, Abacaxis River (left margin): MZUSP 100249, MZUSP 100253; Pará: Santarém (RESEX Tapajós Arapiuns): MPEG 11023, MPEG 11059. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: (i) Femoral pores in females may be present or absent (0–22 pores, modal value = 0; absent in 34%); (ii) six supralabials (91%), with fourth supralabial frequently the largest (75%) and third supralabial frequently under the eye (89%); (iii) prefrontal always present; and (iv) exclusive hemipenial morphotype 2. (Mello et al. 2023) 
  • Mello, A. V. Albano de; Recoder, R. S., Fouquet, A., Rodrigues, M. T., & Nunes, P. M. 2023. Integrative taxonomy of the Iphisa elegans Gray, 1851 species complex (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae) leads to the description of five new species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, zlad073 - get paper here
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