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Laticauda semifasciata (REINWARDT, 1837)

IUCN Red List - Laticauda semifasciata - Near Threatened, NT

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Higher TaxaElapidae (Laticaudinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common NamesE: Chinese Sea Snake
Russian: Большой морской крайт
Chinese: 半环扁尾海蛇 
SynonymPlaturus semifasciatus REINWARDT in SCHLEGEL 1837: 516
Platurus fasciatus var. semifasciata — FISCHER 1856: 30
Platurus fasciatus var. — HALLOWELL 1861: 489
Laticauda semifasciata — STEJNEGER 1907: 409
Laticauda semifasciata — MERTENS 1930
Laticauda semifasciata — MAKI 1931
Laticauda semifasciata — WELCH 1994: 71
Pseudolaticauda semifasciata — KHARIN 2005
Laticauda semifasciata — RASMUSSEN et al. 2011
Laticauda semifasciata — WANG e al. 2013
Pseudolaticauda semifasciata — WALLACH et al. 2014: 592
Pseudolaticauda semifasciata — MILTO & LUKIN 2020 
DistributionSouth Chinese Sea (coasts of Fujian, Liaoning, Taiwan; China), South Korea,
Philippines, Japan (Ryukyu), Taiwan, Indonesia, Philippine and Moluccas Islands, West Pacific Ocean from Japan in the north to Samoa islands in the south. Found in Russia once: in waters of the Far East Maritime Reserve (the Sea of Japan's Peter the Great Bay; KHALIKOV, pers. comm.).

Type locality: Moluccas  
TypesHolotype: RMNH 1468 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Ventrals 195 – 205. Subcaudals 38 – 43 pairs (males) and 32 – 36 pairs (females). 21 – 23 scale rows on neck and body. Number of body vertebrae 206 – 215, number of tail vertebrae 44 – 49. Snout-vent length 805 (males) and 1190 mm (females). Tail length 115 (males) and 115 mm (females).

Additional details (1437 characters) are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 

Synonymy: STEJNEGER 1907 synonymized Platurus (Laticauda) schistorhynchus with Laticauda semifasciata.

Similar species: Hydrophis melanocephalus; has been confused with this species in Korean waters (Kim et al. 2016).

Habitat: marine.

Type species: Platurus semifasciatus REINWARDT in SCHLEGEL 1837: 516 is the type species of the genus Pseudolaticauda KHARIN 1984.

Distribution: See maps in Gherghel et al. 2016, Heatwole et al. 2017, Kishida et al. 2020. 
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  • Kishida, Takushi, Mamoru Toda, Yasuhiro Go, Shoji Tatsumoto, Takahide Sasai, and Tsutomu Hikida. 2020. Population History and Genomic Admixture of Sea Snakes of the Genus Laticauda in the West Pacific. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 155: 107005 [print 2021] - get paper here
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  • Park J, Kim I-H, Fong JJ, Koo K-S, Choi W-J, Tsai T-S, et al. 2017. Northward dispersal of sea kraits (Laticauda semifasciata) beyond their typical range. PLoS One 12 (6): e0179871. - get paper here
  • Park, Jaejin; Il-Hun Kim, Kyo-Sung Koo, Daesik Park 2016. First Record of Laticauda semifasciata (Reptilia: Squamata: Elapidae: Laticaudinae) from Korea. Anim. Syst. Evol. Divers. 32 (2): 148-152 - get paper here
  • PARK, MIN-WOO; JAEJIN PARK & DAESIK PARK. 2022. LATICAUDA SEMIFASCIATA (Black-banded Sea Krait). EPIBIONT BARNACLES. Herpetological Review 53 (3): 511–512.
  • RASMUSSEN, ARNE REDSTED; JOHAN ELMBERG, PETER GRAVLUND & IVAN INEICH 2011. Sea snakes (Serpentes: subfamilies Hydrophiinae and Laticaudinae) in Vietnam: a comprehensive checklist and an updated identification key. Zootaxa 2894: 1–20 - get paper here
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  • Tabata, Runa; Fumihito Tashiro, Hideaki Nishizawa, Junichi Takagi, Noriko Kidera and Hiromichi Mitamura 2017. Stomach Contents of Three Sea Kraits (Hydrophiinae: Laticauda spp.) in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan Stomach Contents of Three Sea Kraits (Hydrophiinae: Laticauda spp.) in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Current Herpetology Aug 2017, Vol. 36, No. 2: 127-134. - get paper here
  • Tandavanitj, Nontivich; Hidetoshi Ota, Yuan-Cheng Cheng, and Mamoru Toda 2013. Geographic Genetic Structure in Two Laticaudine Sea Kraits, Laticauda laticaudata and Laticauda semifasciata (Serpentes: Elapidae), in the Ryukyu-Taiwan Region as Inferred from Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Sequences. Zoological Science Vol. 30, No. 8: 633-641. - get paper here
  • Tu, M.C., S.C. Fong & K.Y. Lue 1990. Reproductive Biology of the Sea Snake, Laticauda semifasciata, in Taiwan Journal of Herpetology 24 (2): 119-126. - get paper here
  • Van Denburgh, John 1924. On Laticauda schistorhynchus and Laticauda semifasciata. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 13 (16): 247-248 - get paper here
  • Wallach, Van; Kenneth L. Williams , Jeff Boundy 2014. Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. [type catalogue] Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 1237 pp.
  • Wang, C. G. M. Z. X., Jia, S. Y. K. T. L., & Hu, C. Z. J. 2022. An updated species checklist of amphibians and reptiles in Fujian Province, China. Biodiversity Science, 22090 - get paper here
  • Wang, Kai; Jinlong Ren, Hongman Chen, Zhitong Lyu, Xianguang Guo Ke Jiang, Jinmin Chen, Jiatang Li, Peng Guo, Yingyong Wang, Jing Che 2020. The updated checklists of amphibians and reptiles of China. Biodiversity Science 28 (2): 189-218 - get paper here
  • Wang, S.; H. B. Lillywhite, Y. C. Cheng and M. C. Tu 2013. Variation of traits and habitat use in three species of sea kraits in Taiwan. Journal of Zoology 290 (1): 19–26, DOI: 10.1111/jzo.12012 - get paper here
  • Weinell, Jeffrey L.; Errol Hooper, Alan E. Leviton, Rafe M. Brown 2019. Illustrated Key to the Snakes of the Philippines. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. (4) 66 (1): 1-49 - get paper here
  • Zhao, E.M. 2006. The snakes of China [in Chinese]. Hefei, China, Anhui Sience & Technology Publ. House, Vol. I, 372 pp., Vol. II (color plates), 280 pp.
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