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Leptophis marginatus (COPE, 1862)

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Leptophis marginatus »

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Higher TaxaColubridae, Colubrinae, Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common Names 
SynonymTrasops marginatus COPE 1862: 349
Herpetodryas affinis STEINDACHNER 1870: 348
Leptophis liocercus BOULENGER 1894 (part.)
Drymobius affinis — BOULENGER 1894: 14
Leptophis rostralis LÖNNBERG 1902: 458
Leptophis argentinus WERNER 1903: 384
Leptophis ahaetulla SERIÉ 1921
Thalerophis richardi marginatus — OLIVER 1948: 235
Leptophis ahaetulla (marginatus) — INT. COM. ZOOL. NOM. 1950
Leptophis ahaetulla marginatus — PETERS & OREJAS-MIRANDA 1970: 163
Leptophis ahaetulla marginatus — CEI 1993
Leptophis ahaetulla marginatus — SCROCCHI et al. 2006: 93
Leptophis marginatus — CARREIRA et al. 2012
Leptophis ahaetulla marginatus — CANO et al. 2015
Leptophis marginatus — ALBUQUERQUE et al. 2022 
DistributionParaguay, Uruguay, Argentina (Formosa), Brazil (Mato Grosso, Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul)

Type locality: Paraguay.  
TypesHolotype: ANSP 5514; originally USNM 4667
Holotype: ZSM 1797/0 (lost), adult [argentinus]
Holotype: NRM 2249 [Leptophis rostralis] 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Leptophis marginatus can be distinguished from its congeners by the following unique combination of character states: (1) head scales edged with black and usually with a small black spot approximately on center of each parietal scale and on outer side of each supraocular; (2) adult color pattern with no dark dorsal bands; (3) dorsal color of anterior body distinct from that of posterior half of body or persisting throughout the length of the body; (4) keeled dorsal scales, except first dorsal row on each side; keels of dorsal scales black; (5) no loreal scale; (6) 152–173 ventrals in males, 154–185 in females; (7) 120–160 subcaudals in males, 121–162 in females; (8) dorsal scales of tail with or with no keels; (9) 21–24 maxillary teeth; (10) TL/SvL: 95% CI = 0.577–0.596 mm (n = 118); (11) moderately enlarged spines at first basal row of hemipenial body; (12) asulcate side of hemipenis similar to sulcate side.
Comparisons. Leptophis marginatus differs from all members of the L. ahaetulla complex by having head scales edged with black and usually with a small black spot approximately on center of each parietal scale and on outer side of each supraocular (Fig. 19A–B) (vs. head scales not edged with black and with no black spots on parietals and supraoculars). Adults of L. marginatus are further distinguished from L. nigromarginatus, L. occidentalis, and L. praestans by showing shorter values of TL/SvL—95% CI = 0.577–0.596 (vs. 95% CI= 0.640–0.649, 0.600–0.626, and 0.610–0.660 respectively) (Table 2). (Albuquerque et al. 2022).

Additional details (3848 characters) are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
CommentDistribution: see map in Albuquerque & Fernandes 2022: 31 (Fig. 18). 
EtymologyNamed after Latin marginatus, provided with borders. [“...the plates marginated with black...”]. (from Esteban Lavilla, pers. comm., May 2024) 
  • Acuña-Vargas, J. C. 2016. Anfibios y Reptiles asociados a cinco coberturas de la tierra, municipio de Dibulla, La Guajira, Colombia. Acta Zoológica Mexicana (n. s.), 32(2): 133-146 - get paper here
  • Aguilar-López JL, Luría-Manzano R, Pineda E, Canseco-Márquez L 2021. Selva Zoque, Mexico: an important Mesoamerican tropical region for reptile species diversity and conservation. ZooKeys 1054: 127-153 - get paper here
  • Albuquerque, N.R. 2009. New records of Leptophis ahaetulla ahaetulla (Serpentes, Colubridae) for Venezuela, Colombia and the placement of L. a. copei into the synonymy of L. a. ahaetulla. Biota Neotropica 9 (4): 293-297 - get paper here
  • Albuquerque, Nelson R. de, Paulo Passos, and Steve W. Gotte 2012. Leptophis santamartensis (Serpentes, Colubridae), a Junior Synonym of Leptophis ahaetulla occidentalis. Journal of Herpetology 46 (2): 248-252. - get paper here
  • ALBUQUERQUE, NELSON RUFINO DE; & DANIEL S. FERNANDES 2022. Taxonomic revision of the parrot snake Leptophis ahaetulla (Serpentes, Colubridae) Zootaxa 5153 (1): 001–069 - get paper here
  • Andersson, L.G. 1901. Some new species of snakes from Cameroon and South America, belonging to the collections of the Royal Museum in Stockholm. Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Vet. Akad. Handlingar 27 (4): 1-26 - get paper here
  • Avila-Pires, Teresa C.S.; Kleiton R. Alves-Silva, Laís Barbosa, Fabrício S. Correa, Jorge F. A. Cosenza, Ana Paula V. Costa-Rodrigues, Aurea A. Cronemberger, Marinus S. Hoogmoed, Geraldo R. Lima-Filho, Adriano O. Maciel, Alexandre F. R. Missassi, Lyw 2018. Changes in Amphibian and Reptile Diversity Over Time in Parque Estadual do Utinga, a Protected Area Surrounded by Urbanization. Herpetology Notes 11: 499-512 - get paper here
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  • BERNARDE, P.S., ALBUQUERQUE, S., BARROS, T.O. & TURCI, L.C.B. 2012. Serpentes do Estado de Rondônia, Brasil. Biota Neotropica 12 (3): 1-29 - get paper here
  • Bernarde, Paulo Sérgio;, Reginaldo Assêncio Machado & Luiz Carlos Batista Turci 2011. Herpetofauna da área do Igarapé Esperança na Reserva Extrativista Riozinho da Liberdade, Acre – Brasil. Biota Neotropica 11 (3): 117-144 - get paper here
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  • Blanco-Torres, Argelina; Lina Báez S., Edgar Patiño-Flores, Juan M. Renjifo-R. 2013. Herpetofauna from the middle valley of the Ranchería river, La Guajira, Colombia. Rev. Biodivers. Neotrop. 3 (2): 113-22 - get paper here
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  • Boulenger, George A. 1898. An account of the reptiles and batrachians collected by Mr. W. F. H. Rosenberg in western Ecuador. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1898: 107-126 - get paper here
  • Cacciali, Pier; Norman J. Scott, Aida Luz Aquino Ortíz, Lee A. Fitzgerald, and Paul Smith 2016. The Reptiles of Paraguay: Literature, Distribution, and an Annotated Taxonomic Checklist. SPECIAL PUBLICATION OF THE MUSEUM OF SOUTHWESTERN BIOLOGY, NUMBER 11: 1–373 - get paper here
  • Campbell, J.A. 1998. Amphibians and reptiles of northern Guatemala, the Yucatán, and Belize. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, xiii + 380 pp. - get paper here
  • Cano, Paula Daniela; Héctor Alejandro Ball, Matías Federico Carpinetto, Germán Darío Peña 2015. Reptile checklist of Río Pilcomayo National Park, Formosa, Argentina. Check List 11 (3): 1658 - get paper here
  • Carreira Vidal, Santiago 2002. Alimentación de los ofidios de Uruguay. Asoc. Herp. Esp., Monograf. Herp. 6, 127 pp. - get paper here
  • CARREIRA, S., M. MENEGHEL AND F. ACHAVAL 2005. Reptiles de Uruguay. DI.R.A.C., Facultad de Ciências Ed., Montevideo, 637 pp.
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  • Carvajal-Cogollo, J.E.; L.E. Rojas-Murcia. & G. Cárdenas-Arévalo 2020. Reptiles del Caribe colombiano/ Reptiles of the Colombian Caribbean. Tunja: Editorial UPTC, 268 pp. - get paper here
  • Casas-Andreu, G., F.R. Méndez-De la Cruz and X. Aguilar-Miguel. 2004. Anfibios y Reptiles; pp. 375–390, in A.J.M. García-Mendoza, J. Ordoñez and M. Briones-Salas (ed.). Biodiversidad de Oaxaca. Instituto de Biología, UNAM-Fondo Oaxaqueño para la Conservación de la Naturaleza-World Wildlife Fund, México, D. F.
  • Castro-Herrera, F. & Vargas-Salinas, F. 2008. Anfibios y reptiles en el departamento del Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Biota Colombiana 9 (2): 251 - 277 - get paper here
  • Castro-Herrera, F.; Bolívar-García, W. & Herrera-Montes, M.I. 2007. Guía de los Anfibios y Reptiles des Bosque de Yotoco, Valle deel Cauca, Colombia. Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, 70 pp. - get paper here
  • CASTRO-HERRERA, FERNANDO; ANYELET VALENCIA-AGUILAR, DIEGO VILLAQUIRAN-Martínez 2012. Diversidad de Anfibios y Reptiles del Parque Nacional Natural Isla Gorgona. Universidad del Valle, Santiago de Cali, Valle del Cauca, 112 pp. - get paper here
  • CATENAZZI, A., LEHR, E. & VON MAY, R. 2013. The amphibians and reptiles of Manu National Park and its buffer zone, Amazon basin and eastern slopes of the Andes, Peru. Biota Neotropica 13 (4): 269-283
  • Chaloupka, Sarah; Camilo Rodríguez 2021. Predation by Leptophis ahaetulla (Serpentes: Colubridae) on Osteocephalus cabrerai (Anura: Hylidae), with a description of its distress call. Herpetology Notes 14: 209-213 - get paper here
  • Claessen, H. 2003. De slangen van de Guyanas Deel VI. Lacerta 61 (5): 177-187 - get paper here
  • Clegg, Jonathan R. 2015. Leptophis ahaetulla marginatus (Southern green parrot snake): Behaviour. Herpetological Bulletin (131) - get paper here
  • Cole, Charles J.; Carol R. Townsend, Robert P. Reynolds, Ross D. MacCulloch, and Amy Lathrop 2013. Amphibians and reptiles of Guyana, South America: illustrated keys, annotated species accounts, and a biogeographic synopsis. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 125 (4): 317-578; plates: 580-620 - get paper here
  • Colston, Timothy J.; José António L. Barão-Nóbrega, Ryan Manders, Alice Lett, Jamie Wilmott, Gavin Cameron, Sidony Hunter, Adam Radage, Etienne Littlefair, Robert J. Williams, Antonio Lopez Cen, Kathy Slater 2015. Amphibians and reptiles of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, México, with new records. Check List 11 (5): 1759 - get paper here
  • Cope, E.D. 1862. Catalogues of the reptiles obtained during the explorations of the Parana Paraguay, Vermejo and Uruguay rivers, by Capt. Thos. J. Page, U.S.N.; and of those procured by Lieut. N. Michier, U. S. Top. Eng., Commander of the expedition conducting the su Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 14: 346-359. - get paper here
  • Cope, E.D. 1868. Sixth contribution to the herpetology of Tropical America. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 20: 305-313 - get paper here
  • Cope, E.D. 1875. Report on the Reptiles brought by Professor James Orton from the middle and upper Amazon and western Peru. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia N.S. (2) 8: 159-183 [sometimes thought to be published 1876 but see Murphy et al. 2007 for clarification] - get paper here
  • Cope, E.D. 1894. Third addition to a knowledge of the batrachia and reptilia of Costa Rica. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 1894: 194-206 - get paper here
  • Costa, Taís Borges; Daniel Orsi Laranjeiras, Francis Luiz Santos Caldas, Daniel Oliveira Santana, Cristiana Ferreira da Silva, Edna Paulino de Alcântara, Samuel Vieira Brito, Jéssica Yara Galdino, Daniel Oliveira Mesquita, Renato Gomes Faria, Frederi 2018. Herpetofauna of protected areas in the Caatinga VII: Aiuaba Ecological Station (Ceará, Brazil). Herpetology Notes 11: 929-941 - get paper here
  • Cruz-Lizano, Ivan, José F. Gonzalez-Maya and Armando H. Escobedo-Galván. 2013. Leptophis ahaetulla (giant parrotsnake) reproduction. Herpetological Review 44 (2): 332 - get paper here
  • D'Assunçäo, Mariana Miranda, Leonardo Da Silva Chaves and Geraldo Jorge Barbosa De Moura. 2014. Leptophis ahaetulla (parrot snake) diet. Herpetological Review 45 (4): 711 - get paper here
  • de Alcantara, E.P., Ferreira-Silva, C., Machado, H.T. & Morais, D.H. 2017. Leptophis ahaetulla (Parrot Snake) Diet. Herpetological Review 48 (4): 860 - get paper here
  • De Sousa Germano, C. E. and F. G. R. Franca 2017. Leptophis ahaetulla (Parrot Snake) Diet and mortality. Herpetological Review 48 (2): 452 - get paper here
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  • Duellman, W.E., & Salas, A.W. 1991. Annotated checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of Cuzco Amazonico, Peru. Occas. Papers Mus. of Natur. Hist., Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence (143): 13 pp. - get paper here
  • Espinal, Mario; José M. Solís, Carlos M. O’Reilly, Leonel Marineros, and Hermes Vega 2014. New distributional records for amphibians and reptiles from the department of Santa Bárbara, Honduras. Mesoamerican Herpetology 1 (2): 300 - get paper here
  • Eversole, C B; Lizzaro, D; Powell, R L & Crocker, A V 2018. Leptophis ahaetulla (Parrot Snake) Diet. Herpetological Review 49 (2): 345 - get paper here
  • Fischer, J. G. 1881. Beschreibung neuer Reptilien. Archiv für Naturgeschichte 47 (1): 225-238 - get paper here
  • Fonseca, Wirven Lima da; Julivaldo Dantas da Silva, Arthur Diesel Abegg, Conrado Mario da Rosa, Paulo Sergio Bernarde 2019. Herpetofauna of Porto Walter and surrounding areas, Southwest Amazonia, Brazil. Herpetology Notes 12: 91-107 - get paper here
  • Freiberg, M.A. 1982. Snakes of South America. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City, NJ, 189 pp. - get paper here
  • Freitas, Marco Antonio de 2014. Squamate reptiles of the Atlantic Forest of northern Bahia, Brazil. Check List 10 (5): 1020-1030 - get paper here
  • Freitas, Marco Antonio de; Guarino R. Colli, Omar Machado Entiauspe-Neto, Luiz Trinchão, Daniel Araújo, Tiago de Oliveira Lima, Daniella Pereira Fagundes de França, Renato Gaiga, Pedro Dias 2016. Snakes of Cerrado localities in western Bahia, Brazil. Check List 12 (3): 1896 - get paper here
  • Freitas, Marco Antônio; Omar Machado Entiauspe-Neto, Tiago de Oliveira Lima, José Soares da Silva Neto, Daniel Araujo & Jonathan Márcio Soares da Silva 2016. Snakes of Juazeiro, Bahia, Middle of São Francisco River, Brazil. Bol. Mus. Biol. Mello Leitão (N. Sér.) 38(4): 331-345.
  • Frota, J.G. da; Pedroso dos Santos-Jr, Alfredo; Menezes-Chalkidis, H. de & Guimarães Guedes, A. 2005. AS SERPENTES DA REGIÃO DO BAIXO RIO AMAZONAS, OESTE DO ESTADO DO PARÁ, BRASIL (SQUAMATA). Biociências 13 (2): 211-220 - get paper here
  • Gadow, H. 1909. Amphibia and Reptilia. MacMillan, London, 668 pp. - get paper here
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  • Gómez-Hoyos, Diego A.; Sergio Escobar-Lasso, Tatiana Suarez-Joaqui, Julián A. Velasco 2015. Predation on the bush anole Polychrus gutturosus by the parrot snake Leptophis ahaetulla, with a new record of the bush anole for the Gorgona Island National Natural Park, Colombia. Herpetology Notes 8: 297-301 - get paper here
  • Gonzalez R. C. et al. 2020. Lista dos Nomes Populares dos Répteis no Brasil – Primeira Versão. Herpetologia Brasileira 9 (2): 121 – 214 - get paper here
  • González-Sánchez, V. H., J. D. Johnson, E. García-Padilla, V. Mata-Silva, D. L. DeSantis and L. D. Wilson. 2017. The Herpetofauna of the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula: composition, distribution, and conservation status. Mesoamerican Herpetology 4(2): 264–380 - get paper here
  • Gorzula, Stefan & Senaris, J. Celsa 1999. In: Contribution to the herpetofauna of the Venezuelan Guayana. I: a data base. Scientia Guaianae, Caracas, No. 8 [1998], 269+ pp.; ISBN 980-6020-48-0
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  • Jorge, R F; Junior, S G F & Sampaio, A A; 2019. Leptophis ahaetulla (Giant Parrot Snake) Attempted predation. Herpetological Review 50 (1): 160 - get paper here
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  • Leon, Marcela and Alejandro Solorzano. 2014. Leptophis ahaetulla. Behavior. Mesoamerican Herpetology 1 (1): 158-160 - get paper here
  • Leynaud, Gerardo C. and Enrique H. Bucher 1999. La fauna de serpientes del Chaco Sudamericano: diversidad, distribución geografica y estado de conservación. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Miscelanea (98):1-46
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  • Madella-Auricchio, Cláudia Renata; Paulo Auricchio Enio Saraiva Soares 2017. Reptile species composition in the Middle Gurguéia and comparison with inventories in the eastern Parnaíba River Basin, State of Piauí, Brazil. Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 57(28): 375-386, - get paper here
  • Markezich, A.L. 2002. New distribution records of reptiles from Western Venezuela. Herpetological Review 33 (1): 69-74 - get paper here
  • Marques R, Mebert K, Fonseca É, Rödder D, Solé M, Tinôco MS 2016. Composition and natural history notes of the coastal snake assemblage from Northern Bahia, Brazil. ZooKeys 611: 93-142. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.611.9529 - get paper here
  • Marques, R., D. Rödder, M. Solé & M. S. Tinôco 2017. Diversity and habitat use of snakes from the coastal Atlantic rainforest in northeastern Bahia, Brazil. Salamandra 53 (1): 34-43 - get paper here
  • Mata-Silva, Vicente, Jerry D. Johnson, Larry David Wilson and Elí García-Padilla. 2015. The herpetofauna of Oaxaca, Mexico: composition, physiographic distribution, and conservation status. Mesoamerican Herpetology 2 (1): 6–62 - get paper here
  • Mattos, Fábio S.; Adrian A. Barnett & Diego A. Ortiz 2017. Active male-male competition for mate access in the giant parrot snake Leptophis ahaetulla (Squamata: Colubridae), in the southwest Amazon, Brazil. Herpetological Bulletin (140): - get paper here
  • McCranie J R 2011. The snakes of Honduras. SSAR, Salt Lake City, 725 pp.
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  • McCranie, James R. 2015. A checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of Honduras, with additions, comments on taxonomy, some recent taxonomic decisions, and areas of further studies needed. Zootaxa 3931 (3): 352–386 - get paper here
  • Medina-Rangel, Guido Fabián 2013. CAMBIO EstACIOnAl En El UsO DE lOs RECURsOs DE lA COMUnIDAD DE REptIlEs En El COMplEJO CEnAgOsO DE ZApAtOsA, DEpARtAMEntO DEl CEsAR (Colombia). Caldasia 35 (1): 103-122 - get paper here
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  • Wilson, L.D. & McCranie, J.R. 2003. The herpetofauna of the cloud forests of Honduras. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 3 (1): 34-48 - get paper here
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