Lerista picturata (FRY, 1914)
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Higher Taxa | Scincidae, Sphenomorphinae (Sphenomorphini), Scincoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards) |
Subspecies | |
Common Names | E: Southern Robust Slider |
Synonym | Lygosoma (Rhodona) picturatum FRY 1914: 186 Rhodona picturata — SMITH 1937: 230 Lygosoma (Rhodona) picturatum — GLAUERT 1960: 98 Lerista picturata — GREER 1967 Lerista picturata — COGGER 1983: 176 Lerista picturata — COGGER 2000: 528 Aphroditia picturata — WELLS 2012: 181 Lerista picturata — WILSON & SWAN 2010 |
Distribution | Australia (southern interior of Western Australia) Type locality: Boulder, W. A. |
Reproduction | oviparous |
Types | Holotype: AMS (AM) R3101 |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: A large Lerista with one finger (terminating in wide flat scale), two toes, movable eyelid, two supraoculars and strong colour pattern (four dark dorsal lines and wide sharp-edged upper lateral stripe). (Storr 1991) |
Comment | The former subspecies edwardsae and baynesi have been elevated to species status. Limb morphology: 0 digits, 2 toes |
Etymology | Presumably named after the Latin pictura (a painting) with the suffix -atus (having the nature of), in reference to the bright coloration. (G. Shea, pers. comm., 9 Feb 2024) |
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