Lerista uniduo STORR, 1984
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Higher Taxa | Scincidae, Sphenomorphinae (Sphenomorphini), Scincoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards) |
Subspecies | |
Common Names | E: Slender Broad-blazed Slider E: Spotted Broad-blazed Slider [maculosa] |
Synonym | Lerista uniduo STORR 1984 Lerista maculosa STORR 1991 Lerista maculosa — COGGER 2000: 761 Lerista uniduo — COGGER 2000: 534 Telchinoscincus uniduo — WELLS 2012: 134 Lerista uniduo — WILSON & SWAN 2010 Lerista uniduo — APLIN et al. 2022 |
Distribution | Australia (Western Australia) Type locality: 8 km SSE of Boolathana, WA [24°43'S 113°43'E]. maculosa: Australia (Western Australia); Type locality: 5 km W Overlander, WA [26°24'S 114°25'E]. |
Reproduction | oviparous |
Types | Holotype: WAM R71407. Holotype: WAM R95921 [maculosa] |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis (maculosa): A member of the L. nichollsi complex with immovable eyelids, distinguishable from all others by heavily spotted pattern. (Storr 1991) |
Comment | Limb morphology: 0 digits, 2 toes Synonymy: WELLS 2012: 134 lists this species as a synonym of Telchinoscincus (= Lerista) uniduo STORR 1984. This seems to be based on note 68 in Aplin & Smith 2001 who say “Following Aplin et al. (submitted) we treat Lerista maculosa Storr, 1991 as a probable junior synonym of L. uniduo 1984.” However, the Aplin paper got only published as Aplin et al. 2022. In agreement with Kendrick (1991), Aplin et al. 2022 consider the two specimens of L. maculosa as uncommon pattern variants of L. uniduo. Other possibilities are that the two L. maculosa specimens are products of a rare hybridisation event between L. uniduo and another member of this species complex. Etymology (maculosa): Latin for covered in spots. |
Etymology | From the Latin numbers unus (one) and duo (two), in reference to the 1+2 supraciliary configuration. (G. Shea, pers. comm., 9 Feb 2024) |
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