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Liolaemus caparensis BREITMAN, PÉREZ, PARRA, MORANDO, SITES & AVILA, 2011

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Liolaemus caparensis »

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Higher TaxaLiolaemidae, Iguania, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common Names 
SynonymLiolaemus caparensis BREITMAN, FULVIO-PÉREZ, PARRA, MORANDO, SITES & AVILA 2011
Liolaemus caparensis — AVILA et al. 2020 
DistributionArgentina (Patagonia: SW Santa Cruz)

Type locality: Campo Las Piedras plateau, 7 km N Punta del Lago ranch, Lago Argentino department, Santa Cruz province, Argentina (49° 34’ 11.0” S, 72° 02’ 51.9” W, 868 m elevation.  
Reproductionviviparous (not imputed, fide Zimin et al. 2022) 
TypesHolotype: MLP S 2628 (Figure 2), an adult male; Figures 3, 4), L.J. Avila, C.H.F. Pérez, M.F. Breitman and N. Feltrin collectors, 16th January 2008. Paratypes. LJAMM–CNP 9379–9380 adult males, LJAMM–CNP 9383–9387 females and LJAMM–CNP 9382, 9388, 9389 juveniles; from the same locality of holotype, L.J. Avila, C.H.F. Pérez, M.F. Breitman and N. Fel- trin collectors, 16 th January 2008. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Liolaemus caparensis sp. nov. is a member of the magellanicus group, in the L. lineomaculatus section, based on molecular evidence (Figure 1). Liolaemus caparensis sp. nov. differs from L. magellanicus in the following traits: shorter tibia-fibula length (6.19-8.62, X = 7.24 vs. 6.91-10.76, X = 9.09; p < 0.0001), shorter radius-ulna length (5.24-5.66, X = 5.24 vs. 5.22-6.88, X = 5.98; p = 0.0017), larger number of midbody scales (39- 55, X = 43.82 vs. 34-48, X = 40.44; p = 0.0282), larger number of dorsal scales (39-47, X = 41.45 vs. 34-45, X = 37.5; p = 0.0003), more ventral scales (64-73, X = 68.36 vs. 49-77, X = 59.17; p < 0.0001), more infradigital lamel- lae of the third finger (14-18, X = 15 vs. 11-15, X = 13.33; p = 0.0006), and more infradigital lamellae of the fourth toe (18-23, X = 20.3 vs. 15-20, X = 18.24; p = 0.0011) (for details see Tables 1 to 4). Liolaemus caparensis sp. nov. has smaller dorsal blotches on the hindlimbs and a more defined vertebral line in comparison with L. magellanicus (Figure 5), as well as fewer precloacal pores than L. magellanicus (3-4 vs. 3-5). Dorsal scales of Liolaemus capar- ensis sp. nov. have a shorter mucron than those of L. magellanicus. The dorsal surface of limb scales is more cari- nated and less mucronated in L. caparensis sp. nov. than in L. magellanicus (Figure 5) [from BREITMAN et al. 2011].
CommentGroup: magellanicus group.

Abundance: only known from its original description (Meiri et al. 2017). 
EtymologyThe specific epithet of this species “caparensis” refers to the name “Capar” given to the actual Viedma lake by the Aónikenk aborigines that inhabited this area. The Campo Las Piedras plateau is located on the northwestern edge of Viedma Lake. 
  • ABDALA, CRISTIAN SIMÓN; DIEGO ESTEBAN PROCOPIO, OSCAR ANÍBAL STELLATELLI, ALEJANDRO TRAVAINI, ALEJANDRO RODRÍGUEZ & MARIO RICARDO RUIZ MONACHESI 2014. New Patagonian species of Liolaemus (Iguania: Liolaemidae) and novelty in the lepidosis of the southernmost lizard of the world: Liolaemus magellanicus. Zootaxa 3866 (4): 526–542 - get paper here
  • Avila, Luciano J.; Andrea González Marín, Jaime Troncoso-Palacios, Kevin Imanol Sánchez, Cristian Hernán Fulvio Pérez, and Mariana Morando 2020. Naming the Diversity: Taxonomy of Current Species of Patagonian Lizards. In: Morando & Avila (eds.), Lizards of Patagonia. Springer Nature, pp. 123-188 - get paper here
  • AVILA, LUCIANO JAVIER; LORENA ELIZABETH MARTINEZ & MARIANA MORANDO 2013. Checklist of lizards and amphisbaenians of Argentina: an update. Zootaxa 3616 (3): 201–238 - get paper here
  • Breitman, M.F., Pérez, C.H.F., Parra, M., Morando, M., Sites, J.W., Jr. & Avila, L.J. 2011. New species of lizard from the magellanicus clade of the Liolaemus lineomaculatus section (Squamata: Iguania: Liolaemidae) from southern Patagonia. Zootaxa 3123: 32–48 - get paper here
  • Breitman, María Florencia; Mariana Morando and Luciano Javier Avila 2013. Past and present taxonomy of the Liolaemus lineomaculatus section (Liolaemidae): is the morphological arrangement hypothesis valid? Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 168 (3): 612–668 - get paper here
  • Breitman, María Florencia; Minoli, Ignacio; Avila, Luciano Javier; Medina, Cintia Debora; Sites, Jr., Jack Walter; Morando, Mariana 2014. Lagartijas de la provincia de Santa Cruz (Argentina): distribución geográfica, diversidad genética y estado de conservación . Cuad. herpetol. 28 (2): 83-110 - get paper here
  • Meiri, Shai; Aaron M. Bauer, Allen Allison, Fernando Castro-Herrera, Laurent Chirio, Guarino Colli, Indraneil Das, Tiffany M. Doan, Frank Glaw, Lee L. Grismer, Marinus Hoogmoed, Fred Kraus, Matthew LeBreton, Danny Meirte, Zoltán T. Nagy, Cristiano d 2017. Extinct, obscure or imaginary: the lizard species with the smallest ranges. Diversity and Distributions - get paper here
  • Zimin, A., Zimin, S. V., Shine, R., Avila, L., Bauer, A., Böhm, M., Brown, R., Barki, G., de Oliveira Caetano, G. H., Castro Herrera, F., Chapple, D. G., Chirio, L., Colli, G. R., Doan, T. M., Glaw, F., Grismer, L. L., Itescu, Y., Kraus, F., LeBreton 2022. A global analysis of viviparity in squamates highlights its prevalence in cold climates. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 00, 1–16 - get paper here
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