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Liotyphlops palauophis MARRA-SANTOS, 2023

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Liotyphlops palauophis »

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Higher TaxaAnomalepididae, Typhlopoidea, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common Names 
SynonymLiotyphlops palauophis MARRA-SANTOS 2023 
DistributionColombia (neighborhood of Bogota)

Type locality: Known only from the type locality in the neighborhood of Bogota, Colombia, according to the information provided by Cope (1899).  
TypesHolotype. AMNH R-9550, 361 mm TL, Colombia, neighborhood of Bogota, 1899. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Liotyphlops palauophis sp. nov. is distinguished from all other Liotyphlops by having the frontal scale divided (vs single) and a central foramen in the parabasisphenoid (vs foramen absent). It is further distinguished from L. albirostris, L. argaleus, L. bondensis, L. caissara, L. haadi, L. trefauti, and L. wilderi in having two scales (vs one scale) contacting the posterior edge of the nasal between the second supralabial and prefrontal. It is further distinguished from L. beui, L. schubarti, L. taylori, and L. ternetzii by having four (vs three) scales contacting the posterior edge of the prefrontal. It is distinguished from L. anops by having 28/26/26 scales around the body and 19 subcaudal scales (vs 26/24/24 scales around the body and 12–14 subcaudal scales), and from L. sousai in having 573 dorsal scales and 561 ventral scales (vs 439 dorsal scales and 427 ventral scales). (Marra-Santos 2023)

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EtymologyThe species name is in honor of Alfredo Palau Peña (June 10, 1969–August 8, 2020), a Brazilian herpetologist and my friend, who was killed by the COVID-19 virus. A combination of his name Palau and the Greek ophis, meaning snake. 
  • Marra Santos FJ 2023. A new species of the genus Liotyphlops Peters, 1881 (Serpentes, Anomalepididae) from Colombia and the synonymization of Liotyphlops beui (Amaral, 1924) with Liotyphlops ternetzii (Boulenger, 1896). ZooKeys 1146: 87–114 - get paper here
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