Lygosoma boehmei ZIEGLER, SCHMITZ, HEIDRICH, VU & NGUYEN, 2007
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Higher Taxa | Scincidae, Lygosominae (Lygosomini), Scincoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards) |
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Synonym | Lygosoma boehmei ZIEGLER, SCHMITZ, HEIDRICH, VU & NGUYEN 2007 Riopa boehmei — BOBROV & SEMENOV 2008 Lygosoma boehmei — GEISSLER et al. 2012 Lygosoma boehmei — LIVIGNI 2013: 279 |
Distribution | Vietnam (Quang Binh) Type locality: karst forest of Cha Noi, 350-400 m elevation, Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park, Quang Binh Province, Vietnam. |
Reproduction | |
Types | Holotype: ZFMK 86359: female, collected by Astrid Heidrich and Thomas Ziegler at the end of the dry season (21 June) 2006. |
Diagnosis | DIAGNOSIS: The new species can be distinguished from any other Lygosoma / Riopa currently known by the following combination of characters: (1) Body elongate (SVL 86.0 mm), the distance between axilla and groin being slightly more than 3 times the length of the forelimb; (2) forelimb and hindlimb short, pentadactyl, fingers and toes widely separated when adpressed, the distance between them corresponding to the length of the hindlimb; (3) dorsum reddish brown in life, brownish grey in preservative, the surfaces of the limbs and tail being brownish black; ventral side yellowish beige to greyish below the tail in preservative, with some indistinct dark marbling; in life, chin and throat are light orange and the remaining ventral side of the body cream to light brownish, turning to greyish at the underside of the tail; sides of body and neck with irregular dark flecking; sutures of anterior supra- and infralabials edged by greyish black; (4) rostral separated from undivided frontonasal by supranasals (5) prefrontals widely separated; (6) parietals forming a suture behind interparietal, no enlarged nuchals; (7) four supraoculars; bordered by six supraciliaries; posteriorly, the fourth supraocular is bordered by a small scale (postsupraocular); (8) lower eyelid scaly; (9) two loreals; (10) seven supralabials, fifth right below the eye; (11) seven infralabials; (12) postmental undivided; (13) first pair of chinshields in broad contact, bordered by six scales; (14) ear opening small, ovoid to roundish; (15) 32 midbody scale rows; (16) 66 middorsal (paravertebral) scales (from the posterior end of parietals to insertion of hindlimb); (17) dorsal and dorsolateral scales notched, appearing as three longitudinal (pseudo-)keels on neck, body, and anterior half of tail; (18) ventral scales smooth, arranged in 81 transverse rows from first gular row between third pair of chinshields to preanals; (19) six slightly enlarged preanals; (20) 108 median subcaudal scales, not enlarged, smooth; (21) fourth toe with 14 keeled subdigital lamellae. |
Comment | L. boehmei is molecularly most closely related to L. quadrupes and L. koratense. Abundance: only known from the type locality (Meiri et al. 2017). |
Etymology | named after Wolfgang Böhme, German herpetologist. |
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