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Mabuya mabouya (BONNATERRE, 1789)

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Higher TaxaScincidae, Mabuyinae (Mabuyini), Scincoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Greater Martinique Skink 
SynonymLacertus mabouya LACÉPÈDE 1788: 378 (part.)
Lacerta mabouya — BONNATERRE 1789: 51
Scincus mabouya — DAUDIN 1802
Lacerta mabouya — SHAW 1802:287
Scincus mabouya — DAUDIN 1803:375
Scincus cepedii — MERREM 1820:71
Mabuya dominicensis FITZINGER 1826: 52 (nom. subst.)
Scincus mabouya — GRAY 1831:69
Tiliqua cepedii COCTEAU 1837 (nom. subst.)
Eumeces mabouia — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1839: 646 (part; incorr. emendation)
Tiliqua cepedii — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1839: 646
Mabouya cepedii — GRAY 1845:95 (part)
Mabuia cepedii — COPE 1862: 186 (part)
Mabuia Cepedi — BOCOURT 1879:406 (part)
Mabuia alliacea — GÜNTHER 1885: 33
Mabuia agilis GÜNTHER 1888 (non Mabuia agilis RADDI 1820)
Mabuia agilis nigropunctata — BOULENGER 1887:192
Mabuya mabouia — BARBOUR 1914:321 (part; incorrect emendation)
Mabuya mabouia — BARBOUR 1930
Mabuya mabouya mabouya — DUNN 1935: 537 (part.)
Mabuya mabuya mabuya — SLEVIN 1942: 467
Mabuya mabouya mabouya — SMITH & TAYLOR 1950: 156
Mabuya mabouya — DUELLMAN 1978: 208
Mabuya mabouya — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1991: 456
Mabuya mabuya — KORNACKER 1997
Mabuya “mabouya” — GREER et al. 2000
Mabuya mabouya — MAUSFELD et al. 2002
Mabuya mabouya — BREUIL 2002:267 (part).
Mabuya mabouya — MIRALLES, 2005:49 (part).
Mabuya mabouya — HENDERSON & POWELL, 2009:292 (part)
Mabuya mabouya — HEDGES & CONN 2012: 111 

Type locality: “Antilles” ; Restricted to the Lesser Antilles by DUNN 1935. Further restricted to St. Vincent by SMITH & TAYLOR 1950. Type locality of the lectotype: “Martinique”.  
TypesNeotype: MNHN-RA 5421 (designated by Miralles 2005)
Syntype: USNM 30620, but given as unknown by SMITH & TAYLOR 1950. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis (genus). Species in this genus are characterized by (1) frontoparietals, two, (2) supraciliaries, four (occasionally three, five, or six), (3) supraoculars, three, in at least some individuals of all species, with two occurring in some individuals of Mabuya grandisterrae sp. nov. and M. guadeloupae sp. nov., and four occurring in some individuals of M. mabouya and M. dominicana, (4) prefrontal contact, absent (or contact rarely), (5) parietal contact, present, (6) rows of nuchals, one (occasionally two), (7) dorsals + ventrals, 116–138, (8) total lamellae, 211–253, (9) a dark middorsal stripe, absent, (10) dark dorsolateral stripes, absent (thin line on nape in M. guadeloupae sp. nov. and in some M. dominicana), (11) a dark lateral stripe, present, and (12) dark ventral striping, absent. Most species are large, with a range of maximum body sizes among the species of 92.3–106 mm SVL (Table 2).

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CommentRelationships: Mabuya, Marisora, and Aspronema are paraphyletic in the phylogenetic analysis of Pereira & Schrago 2017.

Distribution: This species has been restricted to Martinique by revalidating a number of synonyms for other populations (HEDGES & CONN 2012). The specimen from Colombia (from Juan Arredondo) is probably Copeoglossum nigropunctatum fide Hedges & Conn 2012.

Similar species: Has been confused with many similar species, especially since Hedges & Conn 2012 split up the Mabuya maboua complex. Its relationship to M. bistriata is somewhat unclear. Mabuia dominicana GARMAN 1887 (synonym fide GÜNTHER 1888) and others have been removed from the synonymy fo M. mabouya.

Subspecies: Mabuya mabouya sloanei has been elevated to species status.

Type species: Lacerta mabouya Bonnaterre, 1789:51 is the type species of the genus Mabuya FITZINGER 1826 (not Lacertus mabouya Lacèpede, 1788: 378; see ICZN, 2005, Opinion 2104). Note that SAVAGE (2003) suggested to reject Lacepède’s (1788) “Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupèdes Ovipares” as a non-binominal work (Case 3226; Bull. Zool. Nom. 60 (2)). This application has been successful. The ICZN (2005) has ruled that Lacepède’s (1788) work (and all subsequent editions of this work) are rejected as an unavailable, non-binominal work. The genus names Mabuia Cuvier, 1829:64 and Mabouya Duméril & Bibron, 1839:579 are unjustified emendations. Bahmani et al. 2016 stated that Mabouya dominicensis Fitzinger 1826 (= Lacertus Mabouya Lacepede) is the type species of Mabuya.
Mabuya is also the type genus of the family Mabuyidae Hedges & Conn 2012: 28 and of the tribus Mabuyini Mittleman 1952 (fide Shea 2021).

MIRALLES (2005) stated that the figure of Lacertus mabouya provided by LACÉPÈDE 1788 was not detailed enough to distinguish it from Chalcides ocellatus, a Mediterranean species. LACÉPÈDE also gave “Sardinia” as type locality (in addition to “Antilles”). BREUIL (2002) concluded that the type specimen was probably caught on Martinique.

Conservation: This species is now very rare in the Antilles, except in Dominica, and is probably vanished from Martinique [MIRALLES, pers. comm.].

Abundance: Rare. This is one of the species called 'lost' and 'rediscovered' by Lindken et al. 2024. 
EtymologyThe species name (mabouya) is a feminine singular noun derived from the same name used by native peoples of the Americas, especially the Antilles, for various types of lizards.

The genus name Mabuya is derived from the same name used by native peoples of the Americas, especially the Antilles, for various types of lizards. The gender of the genus is feminine (Mausfeld et al. 2002: 289). 
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  • Bertolotto, C.E.V.; K.C.M. Pellegrino and Y. Yonenaga-Yassuda 2004. Occurrence of B chromosomes in lizards: a review. Cytogenet Genome Res 106: 243–246 - get paper here
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  • Breuil, H. 2002. Histoire Naturelle des Amphibiens et Reptiles de l’Archipel Guadeloupéen: Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélemy. Patrimoines naturels 54: 339 pp.
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  • Daltry, Jennifer C. 2007. An introduction to the herpetofauna of Antigua, Barbuda and Redonda, with some conservation recommendations. Applied Herpetology 4 (2): 97-130. - get paper here
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  • Duellman, W. E. 1978. The biology of an equatorial herpetofauna in Amazonian Ecuador. Misc. Publ. Univ. Kans. Mus. Nat. Hist. 65: 1-352 - get paper here
  • Duméril, A. M. C. and G. Bibron. 1839. Erpétologie Générale on Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Vol. 5. Roret/Fain et Thunot, Paris, 871 pp. - get paper here
  • Dunn, Emmett Reid 1935. Notes on American Mabuyas. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 87: 533-560 - get paper here
  • Garman, S. 1887. On West Indian Reptiles. Scincidae. Bull. Essex Inst. 19: 51-53 - get paper here
  • Gemel, R.; G. Gassner & S. Schweiger 2019. Katalog der Typen der Herpetologischen Sammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien – 2018. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, B 121: 33–248
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  • Greer, A.E., Arnold, C. & Arnold, E.N. 2000. The systematic significance of the number of presacral vertebrae in the scincid lizard genus Mabuya. Amphibia-Reptilia 21 (1): 121-126 - get paper here
  • Günther, A. C. L. G. 1885. Reptilia and Batrachia. Biologia Centrali-Américana. Taylor, & Francis, London, 326 pp. [published in parts from 1885-1902; reprint by the SSAR 1987] - get paper here
  • Günther,A. 1888. Notes on reptiles and frogs from Dominica, West Indies. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (6) 2: 362-366 - get paper here
  • Hedges, S.B. & Conn, C.E. 2012. A new skink fauna from Caribbean islands (Squamata, Mabuyidae, Mabuyinae). Zootaxa 3288: 1–244 - get paper here
  • ICZN 2005. OPINION 2104 (Case 3226). Lacepède, B.G.É. de la V., 1788, Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupèdes Ovipares: rejected as a non-binominal work. Bull. Zool. Nomenclature 62 (1): 55 - get paper here
  • Kornacker, Paul M.;Dederichs, Ursula 1997. Herpetologische Eindrücke einer Venezuelareise. Elaphe 5 (3): 87-96
  • Lacépède, B. G. E. 1788. Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupe des Ovipares et des Serpens. Vol.1. Imprimerie du Roi, Hôtel de Thou, Paris, xvii + 651 pp. - get paper here
  • Lindken T.; Anderson, C. V., Ariano-Sánchez, D., Barki, G., Biggs, C., Bowles, P., Chaitanya, R., Cronin, D. T., Jähnig, S. C., Jeschke, J. M., Kennerley, R. J., Lacher, T. E. Jr., Luedtke, J. A., Liu, C., Long, B., Mallon, D., Martin, G. M., Meiri, 2024. What factors influence the rediscovery of lost tetrapod species? Global Change Biology, 30: 1-18 - get paper here
  • Lorvelec O. 2011. Mabuya mabouya (Lesser Antillean Skink). Conservation. Caribbean Herpetology 19: 1 - get paper here
  • Lynn, W.G. 1959. Some Reptiles and Amphibians From Trinidad. Herpetologica 15 (3): 113-117 - get paper here
  • Malhotra, Anita; Thorpe, Roger S.; Hypolite, Eric; James, Arlington. 2007. A report on the status of the herpetofauna of the Commonwealth of Dominica, West Indies. Applied Herpetology 4 (2):177-194 - get paper here
  • Mausfeld, Patrick; Andreas SCHMITZ; Wolfgang BÖHME; Bernhard MISOF; Davor VRCIBRADIC; Carlos Frederico Duarte ROCHA 2002. Phylogenetic Affinities of Mabuya atlantica Schmidt, 1945, Endemic to the Atlantic Ocean Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha (Brazil): Necessity of Partitioning the Genus Mabuya Fitzinger, 1826 (Scincidae: Lygosominae). Zool. Anz. 241: 281–293 - get paper here
  • Meier, A.J. & Noble, R.E. 1990. A range extension for Mabuya mabouya Lacépède (Reptilia: Lacertilia) to Desecho Island, Puerto Rico. Carib. J. Sci. 26 (1-2): 66-67
  • Miralles, A. 2005. The identity of Lacertus mabouya LACÉPÈDE 1788, with description of a neotype: an approach toward the taxonomy of new world Mabuya. Herpetologica 61 (1): 46-53 - get paper here
  • Miralles, Aurélien 2006. A new species of Mabuya (Reptilia, Squamata, Scincidae) from the Caribbean Island of San Andrés, with a new interpretation of nuchal scales: a character of taxonomic importance. The Herpetological Journal 16 (1):1-7. - get paper here
  • MIRALLES, AURÉLIEN; GILSON RIVAS FUENMAYOR, CÉLINE BONILLO, WALTER E. SCHARGEL, TITO BARROS, JUAN E. GARCÍA-PEREZ, CÉSAR L. BARRIO-AMORÓS 2009. Molecular systematics of Caribbean skinks of the genus Mabuya (Reptilia, Scincidae), with descriptions of two new species from Venezuela. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 156 (3): 598-616 - get paper here
  • Ortleb, Edward; Heatwole, Harold 1965. Comments on some Panamanian lizards with a key to the species from Barro Colorado Island, C.Z. and vicinity. Carib. J. Sci. 5 (3-4):141-147.
  • Páez, V.P. et al. 2002. Guía de campo de algunas especies de anfibios y reptiles de Antioquia. Universidad de Antioquia, - get paper here
  • Palacio-Baena, Jaime Alberto; Eliana María Muñoz Escobar; Sandra Milena Gallo Delgado; Mauricio Rivera Correa 2006. ANFIBIOS Y REPTILES DEL VALLE DE ABURRÁ Editorial Zuluaga, 92 pp. - get paper here
  • Pereira AG, Schrago CG. 2017. Arrival and diversification of mabuyine skinks (Squamata: Scincidae) in the Neotropics based on a fossil-calibrated timetree. PeerJ 5:e3194 - get paper here
  • Philibosian, R.; Yntema, J. A. 1978. Records and status of some reptiles and amphibians in the Virgin Islands. II. 1975-1976. Herpetologica 34 (1): 47-51 - get paper here
  • Ramírez-Pinilla, M.P., V.H. Serrano & J.C. Galeano 2002. Annual Reproductive Activity of Mabuya mabouya (Squamata, Scincidae) Journal of Herpetology 36 (4): 667-677. - get paper here
  • Savage, J.M. 2003. Lacepéde, B.G.É. de la V., 1788, Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupédes Ovipares: proposed rejection as a non-binomial work. Bull. Zool. Nomenclature 60 (2): 138 - get paper here
  • Schwartz, A. & Henderson, R.W. 1991. Amphibians and Reptiles of the West Indies. University of Florida Press, Gainesville, 720 pp.
  • SHEA, G. M. 2021. Nomenclature of supra-generic units within the Family Scincidae (Squamata) Zootaxa 5067 (3): 301–351 - get paper here
  • Slevin, J.R. 1942. Notes on a collection of reptiles from Boquete, Panama, with the description of a new species of Hydromorphus. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 23: 463-480 - get paper here
  • Smith, H.M. & Taylor,E.H. 1950. An annotated checklist and key to the reptiles of Mexico exclusive of the snakes. Bull. US Natl. Mus. 199: 1-253 - get paper here
  • Somma, L.A. & G.R. Brooks 1976. Reproduction in Anolis oculatus, Ameiva fuscata and Mabuya mabouya from Dominica Copeia 1976 (2): 249-256. - get paper here
  • Thomas, Richard; Joglar, Rafael 1996. The herpetology of Puerto Rico: Past, present, and future. Ann New York Acad. Sci. 776: 181-200 - get paper here
  • Thorpe, R.S. 2022. Reptiles of the Lesser Antilles. Chimaira, Frankfurt, 608 pp. - get paper here
  • TRAVASSOS, H. 1945. A note on the genotype of Mabuya Fitzinger, 1826 to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. Bull. Mus. Nac. Zool. 37: 4–7.
  • Valdivieso, D. & J.R. Tamsitt 1963. A Check List and Key to the Amphibian and Reptiles of Providencia and San Andres. Carib. J. Sci. 3 (2/3): 77-79 - get paper here
  • Vanzolini, P. E.;Rebou_as-Spieker, R. 1973. Notes on the ecology and limb proportions of amazonian Mabuya mabouya (Sauria, Scincidae). Papéis Avulsos Zoologia (São Paulo) 26 (17): 215-226 - get paper here
  • Vanzolini, P.E. 1974. Ecological and geographical distribution of lizards in Pernambuco, northeastern Brasil (Sauria). Papeis Avulsos de Zool. 28(4): 61-90. - get paper here
  • Werneburg, I. 2019. Evolution lebendgebärender Reptilien - Ein Weg ohne Rückkehr? Biol. Unserer Zeit 3/2019: 188 - get paper here
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