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Natrix tessellata (LAURENTI, 1768)

IUCN Red List - Natrix tessellata - Least Concern, LC

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Higher TaxaColubridae (Natricinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common NamesE: Dice Snake
G: Würfelnatter
Croatian: ribarica
Russian: Водяной уж
Chinese: 棋斑水游蛇
Italian: natrice tassellata 
SynonymCoronella tessellata LAURENTI 1768: 87
Coluber hydrus PALLAS 1771: 429
Coluber hydrophylus LINDAKER 1791
CAmphibolurus barbatusoluber ponticus GULDENSTADT 1811
Enhydris caspia OKEN 1816
Natrix tessellata — MERREM 1820
Coluber gabinus METAXA 1823
Tropidonotus gracilis EICHWALD 1831
Tropidonotus tantalus EICHWALD 1831
Coluber griseus DWIGUBSKIJ 1832
Coluber muravievii DWIGUBSKIJ 1832
Coluber reticulatus MENETRIES 1832
Coluber penttatus MENETRIES 1832
Natrix tessellata var. albo Iineata BONAPARTE 1834
Coluber elaphoides BRANDT 1838
Natrix hydrus var. immaculata FITZINGER 1840
Natrix tessellata var. flavescens MASSOLONGO 1853
Tropidonotus hydrus — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1854: 564 (fide WALLACH p.c.)
Tropidonotus tessellatus var. concolor JAN 1864
Tropidonotus tessellatus var. decipiens DE BETTA 1865
Tropidonotus hydrus — ANDERSON 1872
Tropidonotus tesselatus — BOETTGER 1879: 64
Tropidonotus tessellatus laurenti BEDRIAGA 1881
Tropidonotus hydrus — BLANFORD 1881: 680
Tropidonotus tessellatus var. flavescens WERNER 1891: 766
Tropidonotus tessellatus — BOULENGER 1893: 233
Tropidonotus tessellatus var. Hagenbecki WERNER 1897: 262
Tropidonotus tessellatus var. lineaticollis WERNER 1897: 262
Tropidonotus tessellatus var. nigerrima WERNER 1897: 262
Tropidonotus tesellatus [sic] — NIKOLSKY 1897: 334
Tropidonotus tessellatus var. sparsus DÜRIGEN 1897
Tropidonotus tessellatus var. rubromaculosus DÜRIGEN 1897
Tropidonotus tessellatus vosseleri WERNER 1903
Tropidonotus tessellatus —  ZUGMAYER 1909
Tropidonotus tessellatus — BOULENGER 1913
Natrix hydrus — BARBOUR 1914: 88
Tropidonotus tessellatus — VENZMER 1919: 119
Tropidonotus tessellatus var. hydrus — VENZMER 1919: 119
Tropidonotus tessellatus var. vosseleri — VENZMER 1919: 120
Tropidonotus tessellatus — BOULENGER 1920
Tropidonotus tessellatus — LEPSI 1927
Tropidonotus tessellatus subsp. heinrothi HECHT 1930
Natrix dubbiosii SCORTECCI 1932 (fide LEVITON 1977)
Natrix tessellata var. gaydai SOCHUREK 1956
Natrix tessellata var. cyreni SOCHUREK 1956
Natrix dubbiosii — CORKILL & COCHRANE 1966
Natrix dunni MALNATE 1968 (fide MERTENS 1969)
Natrix dunni — GRANDISON 1978: 293
Sinonatrix dunni — MALNATE 1968 (fide TWEEDIE 1983)
Natrix tessellata tessellata — GASPERETTI 1988: 260
Natrix tessellata — ENGELMANN et al 1993
Natrix tessellata — DAS 1996: 57
Xenochrophis tessellata — KHAN 2002
Natrix tessellata — ZHAO 2006: 222
Natrix tessellata — WALLACH et al. 2014: 480
Natrix tessellatus — RHADI et al. 2017 
DistributionGermany, S Switzerland, S France, E Austria,
Croatia (including some adriatic islands, e.g. Krk), Slovenia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia, Italy, Czech Republic (formerly Czechoslovakia), Slovakia, Russia, Albania, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Hungary, Turkey, Greece (incl. Crete, Lesbos, Samos, Corfu, Kithira, Serifos, Euböa, Tinos), Cyprus, Afghanistan (LEVITON 1959: 461),
S Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan,Pakistan,
Iraq, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon,
NE Egypt, Israel,
NW China (Xinjiang)

Type locality: “Japidia, vulgo Cars” = Istrian Peninsula, Croatia. (which used to be a part of Italy)

Distribution of synonymized forms:

Sinonatrix dunni: see comment

hydrophylus: Prague

Enhydris caspia: „Fluß Rhymnus [Ural] into the Caspian Sea")

Coluber gabinus: (Gabi nel Maggio)

Tropidonotus gracilis: (mouth of Volga)

Tropidonotus tantalus: Tjuk-Karagan, east of the Caspian Sea

Coluber griseus: (near Gandscha River, Transcaucasus)

Coluber reticulatus: (Lenkoran, SW-Küste des Kaspi-Sees)

Coluber muravievii: (Steppes near the Azow Sea and mineral springs in the Kaukasus)

Coluber penttatus MENETRIES 1832

Natrix tessellata var. albo Iineata: (Italy)

C elaphoides: (Westcoast of Caspian Sea till North-Irad)

N. hydrus immaculata: (Taurien = Gouvernement Cherson)

Natrix tessellata var. flavescens: (Province Verona)

T. tessellatus var. concolor: (Lombardy, Italy)

T tessellatus var. decipiens: (Villafranca, Veronese)

T. tessellatus laurenti: (Island Santa Maura = Levkas/Gr)

T. tessellatus var. flavescens: (Zadar, Croatia)

T. tessellatus var. sparsus: (Caucasus)

T. tessellatus var. rubromaculosus: (Germany)

T. tessellatus vosseleri: (Route Adalia-Buldur = Antalya-
Burdur, minor Asia)

T. tessellatus subsp. heinrothi (Snake Island Serpilor in the Black Sea)

Natrix dubbiosi scortecci (Sana'a, Yemen: ex errore)

Natrix tessellata var. gaydai (Island „Serpilor" = oz. Zmeynyj

Natrix tessellata var. cyreni SOCHUREK, 1956 (Ioannina Lake, Greece)  
ReproductionOviparous. N. tessellata hybridizes with N. natrix and N. maura (Mebert 2011, Trapp 2017). 
TypesHolotype: unknown (K. Mebert, pers. comm.)
Holotype: ZMB 31662 [heinrothi]
Holotype: USNM 141749 [Natrix dunni]
Holotype: lost, was USNM 4132 [Elgaria formosa]
Holotype: MSNM (Milano) [dubbiosii] 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Maxillary teeth 6-9, two longer than others and separated from them by an interval; palatine teeth 3-5; pterygoid teeth 0-3; eyes rather small, with circular pupils; rostral broader than deep, visible from above; nasal usually semidivided; intemasals usually as long as or longer than broad, triangular, truncate in front, as long or nearly as long as prefrontals; 2 (rarely 1 or 3) preoculars, with or without subocular below; 8 (rarely 7) upper labials; 19 dorsal scale rows, strongly keeled; ventrals 160-197, subcaudals 48-86. (Leviton et al. 1992) 
CommentSynonymy partly after KHALIKOV & ANANJEVA, and K. MEBERT (pers. comm.). N. t. heinrothi has been synonymized with N. tesselata as its characters fall within the variation of the latter (Gruschwitz et al. 1999).

Distribution: Not in Yemen nor in France (K. Mebert, pers. comm., 27 Oct 20); Occurrence in Pakistan doubtful according to KHAN (2002) but documented by photos (R. Masroor & K. Mebert, pers. comm., 27 Oct 20). Not in Belgium (J. Speybroek, pers. comm., 29. Oct 2013). Map in Weiperth et al. 2014. Not in Poland fide Geniez 2018. For a map see Sindaco et al. 2013. MERTENS 1969 reported Sinonatrix dunni from West Malaysia in error. See Bar et al. 2021 for a map.

Phylogeography: see detailed study by Jablonski et al. 2023.

Activity pattern: primarily diurnal, nocturnal during warmer nights.

Habitat: terrestrial, but typically near and in freshwater, locally adapted to marine environments (e.g. in the Mediterranean).

Hybridization: N. natrix hybridizes with N. tessellata, at least in Turkey (Asztalos et al. 2022).

Variation: given its large range, there are various variants of this species, including melanistic, unpatterned, grayish and brownish or yellow-colored ones (see e.g. TUNIYEV et al. 20, Trapp 2016, Wilms 2017).

Genome: the genome of this and the 4 other species of Natrix were sequenced by Schöneberg ert al. 2023. 
  • Abo-Eleneen, Rasha E. and Ahmed A. Allam 2011. Comparative Morphology of the Skin of Natrix tessellata (Family: Colubridae) and Cerastes vipera (Family: Viperidae). Zoological Science 28 (10): 743-748. - get paper here
  • Ahmadzadeh, Faraham, Konrad Mebert, Saeedeh Ataei, Elham Rezazadeh, Leili Allah Goli & Wolfgang Böhme 2011. Ecological and Biological Comparison of Three Populations of Dice snakes (Natrix tessellata) from the southern Caspian sea Coast, iran. Mertensiella 18: 403-414
  • Akman, B., Çakmak, M., & Yıldız, M.Z. 2020. On the Herpetofauna of the Central Anatolian Province of Kırıkkale (Turkey) (Amphibia; Reptilia). Acta Biologica Turcica, 33(2): 70-79
  • Akman, B.; M. Z. Yildiz et al. 2018. On the herpetofauna of the East Anatolian Province of Bitlis (Turkey) (Amphibia; Reptilia). Herpetozoa 31 (1/2): 69 - 82 - get paper here
  • Al-Quran, S. 2009. The Herpetofauna of the Southern Jordan. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 6 (4): 385-391 [this journal has a dubious record, see]
  • Amr, Zuhair S., Konrad Mebert, Nashat Hamidan, Mohammad Abu Baker & Ahmad Disi 2011. Ecology and Conservation of the Dice snake (Natrix tessellata) in Jordan. Mertensiella 18: 393-401
  • Anderson, J. 1872. On some Persian, Himalayan, and other Reptiles. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1872: 371-404 - get paper here
  • Anderson, S. C. & A. E. Leviton 1969. Amphibians and reptiles collected by the Street expedition to Afghanistan, 1965. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. (4) 37: 25-56 - get paper here
  • Andjelković, M.; L. Tomović and A. Ivanović 2017. Morphological integration of the kinetic skull in Natrix snakes. Journal of Zoology 303 (3): 188–198 - get paper here
  • Andjelković, Marko; Ljiljana Tomović, Ana Ivanović 2016. Variation in skull size and shape of two snake species (Natrix natrix and Natrix tessellata). Zoomorphology, DOI: 10.1007/s00435-016-0301-3 - get paper here
  • Andjelković, Marko; Blagojević, Veljko; Tomović, Ljiljana; Ivanović, Ana 2016. Ontogeny of pileus shape in Natrix natrix and N. tessellata. The Herpetological Journal 26 (1): 3-9 - get paper here
  • Arakelyan, Marine S.; Felix D. Danielyan, Claudia Corti, Roberto Sindaco, and Alan E. Leviton 2011. The Herpetofauna of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. SSAR, Salt Lake City, 154 pp. [ISBN: 978-0-916984-84-7.]
  • ASZTALOS, MARIKA; DINÇER AYAZ, YUSUF BAYRAKCI, MURAT AFSAR, CEMAL VAROL TOK, CAROLIN KINDLER, DANIEL JABLONSKI & UWE FRITZ. 2021. It takes two to tango – Phylogeography, taxonomy and hybridization in grass snakes and dice snakes (Serpentes: Natricidae: Natrix natrix, N. tessellata). Vertebrate Zoology 71: 813–834. - get paper here
  • Avcı, Aziz; Nazan Üzüm, Emin Bozkurt, Kurtuluş Olgun 2018. The Herpetofauna of Poorly Known Tunceli Province (Turkey). Russ. J. Herpetol. 25 (1): 17-24 - get paper here
  • Bagherian, A. & H. G. Kami 2009. Systematic identification of Natrix natrix and Natrix tessellata based on multivariate analysis. [in Persian]. Pajouhesh & Sazandegi (79): 128-134 - get paper here
  • Baha El Din, Sherif 2011. Distribution and recent range extension of Natrix tessellata in egypt. Mertensiella 18: 401-403
  • Baier, F.; Sparrow, D.J. & Wiedl, H.J. 2009. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Cyprus. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt/M., ca. 370 pp.
  • Bakiev, A., Kirillov, A., Kirillova, N., Ruchin, A., Klenina, A., Gorelov, R., & Kostina, N. 2020. Reptile occurrences data in the Volga River basin (Russia). Biodiversity Data Journal, 8: e58033 - get paper here
  • Bakiev, Andrey, Alexander Kirillov & Konrad Mebert 2011. Diet and Parasitic Helminths of Dice snakes from the Volga Basin, russia. Mertensiella 18: 325-330
  • Bălescu, Carmen Daniela & Bușe-Dragomir Luminița 2023. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS REGARDING THE HERPETOLOGICAL FAUNA FROM CORCOVA (MEHEDINȚI COUNTY). Analele Universitătii din Craiova, seria Agricultură - Montanologie - Cadastru (Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series) 53 (2): 7-20
  • Bar, A., Haimovitch, G. and Meiri, S. 2021. Field guide to the amphibians and reptiles of Israel. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt Am Main. ISBN 9783-89973-120-0 - get paper here
  • Bar, Aviad and Guy Haimovitch 2012. A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Israel. Pazbar LTD, 246 pp. - get paper here
  • Baran, I.; Kumlutas, Y.; Olgun, K.; Ilgaz, C. & Kaska, Y. 2001. The Herpetofauna of the Vicinity of Silifke. Turkish Journal of Zoology 25: 245-249 - get paper here
  • Barbour, Thomas 1914. Notes on some reptiles from Sinai and Syria. Proc. New England zool. Club 5: 73-92 - get paper here
  • Belik V.P. 2014. To the history of research on the amphibian and reptile fauna in the Volgograd Region. Current Studies in Herpetology 14 (1/2): 3–13. Резюме - get paper here
  • Berger-Dell'mour, H. 1986. Zur Herpetofauna des Golan [Syria]. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. in Wien (Ser. B) 87: 59-67. - get paper here
  • Beshkov, V & Nanev, K 2006. The Amphibians and Reptiles in Bulgaria. Pensoft Series Faunistica 46, 120 pp.
  • Blanford, W.T. 1881. On a collection of Persian reptiles recently added to the British Museum. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1881: 671-682 - get paper here
  • Boettger, O. 1879. Reptilien und Amphibien aus Syrien. Ber. Senck. Naturf. Ges. naturf. Ges. 1878-1879: 57-84 - get paper here
  • Boettger, O. [as O. Böttger] 1880. Die Reptilien und Amphibien von Syrien, Palaestina und Cypern. Ber. Senckenb. Naturforsch. Ges., Frankfurt/M., 1879-1880: 132-219 - get paper here
  • Böhme, Wolfgang; Wiedl, Hansjoerg 1994. Status and zoogeography of the herpetofauna of Cyprus, with taxonomic and natural history notes on selected species (genera Rana, Coluber, Natrix, Vipera). Zoology in the Middle East 10:31-52 - get paper here
  • Bol, S.C. 1991. Breeding results: Natrix tessellata tessellata. Litteratura Serpentium 11 (6): 145-146 - get paper here
  • Boulenger, G. A. 1913. The snakes of Europe. Methusen & Co. Ltd, London, 151 pp.
  • Boulenger, G.A. 1893. Catalogue of the snakes in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) I. London (Taylor & Francis), 448 pp. - get paper here
  • Bowles, Frank D. 2001. A short note on the herpetofauna of the Palinuro Peninsula, Cliento, Southern Campania, Italy. Herpetological Bulletin (77): 30-32 - get paper here
  • Boyan Petrov; Pavel Stoev; Vladimir Beshkov 2001. A review on the species composition and distribution of the amphibians (Amphibia) and reptiles (Reptilia) in the Eastern Rhodopes Mountain, Bulgaria [in Russian] Hist. Nat. Bulgarica 13: 127-153 - get paper here
  • Bozkurt, E., Ürker, O., & Elverici, M. 2022. An assessment of the herpetofauna of the Oriental Sweetgum forests in southwestern Anatolia, Turkey. Phyllomedusa 21(2): 125-139 - get paper here
  • Brecko, Jonathan, Bart Vervust, Anthony Herrel & Raoul Van Damme 2011. Head Morphology and Diet in the Dice snake (Natrix tessellata). Mertensiella 18: 20-30 - get paper here
  • Cabela, A., & Tiedemann, F. 1985. Atlas der Amphibien und Reptilien Osterreichs. Naturhist. Mus. in Wien, Neue Denkschriften Band 4 80 pp.
  • Canova,Luca & Manuela Marchesi 2007. Amphibian and reptile communities in eleven Sites of Community Importance (SCI): relations between SCI area, heterogeneity and richness. Acta Herpetologica 2 (2): 87-96
  • Capula, Massimo, Ernesto Filippi, Lorenzo Rugiero & Luca Luiselli 2011. Dietary, Thermal and reproductive ecology of Natrix tessellata in Central italy: a synthesis. Mertensiella 18: 147-154
  • Carlsson, Martin, Simon Kärvemo, Marian Tudor, Michal Sloboda, Andrei D. Mihalca, Ioan Ghira, Lucia Bel & David Modrý 2011. Monitoring a large Population of Dice snakes at lake sinoe in Dobrogea, romania. Mertensiella 18: 237-245
  • Cattaneo, A. 1989. Note erpetologiche sulle isole greche di Serifos, Sifnos e Milos (Cicladi occidentali). Atti. Soc. ital. Sci. nat. Museo civ. Stor. nat. Milano 130: 57-76 - get paper here
  • CHRISTOPOULOS, APOSTOLOS; KONSTANTINOS VLACHOPOULOS & INIOCHOS CHRISTOPOULOS. 2021. The herpetofauna of drained Lake Karla (Thessaly, Greece): distribution and threats. Herpetology Notes 14: 1385–1405. - get paper here
  • Cimatti, Emanuele 1999. Notes on natural hybridisation between Natrix natrix and Natrix tessellata. Litteratura Serpentium 19 (5): 144-146 - get paper here
  • Cogălniceanu, Dan; Laurentiu Rozylowicz, Paul Székely, Ciprian Samoilă, Florina Stănescu, Marian Tudor, Diana Székely, Ruben Iosif 2013. Diversity and distribution of reptiles in Romania. ZooKeys 341 (2013): 49-76 - get paper here
  • Conelli, Alberto, E., Marco Nembrini & Konrad Mebert: 2011. Different Habitat Use of Dice snakes (Natrix tessellata) among Three Populations in Canton ticino, switzerland – a radiotelemetry study. Mertensiella 18: 100-117
  • Corkill, N. L. and Cochrane, J. A. 1966. The snakes of the Arabian Peninsula and Socotra. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 62 (3): 475-506 (1965) - get paper here
  • Covaciu-Marcov S.-D. et al. 2007. Contributions to the study of the geographical distribution of the herpetofauna in the North-East area of Arad County in Romania. Herpetologica Romanica 1: 62-69
  • Covaciu-Marcov S.-D.; Ghira, I.; Cicort-Lucaciu A.-St., Sas I.; Strugariu, A. & Bogdan H. V. 2006. Contributions to knowledge regarding the geographical distribution of the herpetofauna of Dobrudja, Romania. North-Western Journal of Zoology 2 (2): 88-125 - get paper here
  • Covaciu-Marcov, S.D., Cicort-Lucaciu, A.S., Dobre, F., Ferenţi, S., Birceanu, M., Mihuţ, R. & Strugariu, A. 2009. The herpetofauna of the Jiului Gorge National Park, Romania. North-Western Journal of Zoology 5 (Suppl. 1): 1-78
  • ÇAKMAK, Mücahit; Bahadır AKMAN and Mehmet Zülfü YILDIZ 2018. HERPETOFAUNA OF BARTIN PROVINCE (NORTHWEST BLACKSEA REGION, TURKEY). South Western Journal of Horticulture, Biology and Environment P-Issn: 2067- 9874, E-Issn: 2068-7958<br>Vol.8, No.2, 2017 pp.89-102 - get paper here
  • Davletbakov, A. T.; L. A. Kustareva, D. A. Milko, A. N. Ostastshenko, S. S. Sagymbaev, S. A. Toropov, N. V. Trotchenko 2015. Genetical Fund Cadastre of Kyrgyz Republic. Vol. IV. Phylum Chordata (chordates). Bishkek, 128 p. + XXXVI color tables - get paper here
  • DI NICOLA, MATTEO RICCARDO 2019. A revised dichotomous key to the snakes of Italy (Reptilia, Squamata, Serpentes), according to recent systematic updates. Zootaxa 4686 (2): 294–296 - get paper here
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  • Dínçaslan, Yunus E., Hüseyín Arikan, Ísmaíl Hakki Uğurtaş & Konrad Mebert 2011. Morphology and Blood Proteins of Dice snakes from Western turkey. Mertensiella 18: 370-383
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  • DUDA, M. & GRILLITSCH, H. & HILL, J. & KLEPSCH, R. 2007. Die Würfelnatter Natrix tessellata (LAURENTI, 1768) im Südlichen Wiener Becken und am Alpenostrand (Niederösterreich). Herpetozoa 20 - get paper here
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  • Fathnia, B.; N. Rastegar Pouyani; H. Darvishnia; M. Rajabzadeh 2010. The snake fauna of Ilam Province, southwestern Iran. Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics 6 (1) - get paper here
  • FILIPPI, E. & CAPULA, M. & LUISELLI, L. & AGRIMI, U. 1995. The prey spectrum of Natrix natrix (LINNAEUS, 1758) and Natrix tessellata (LAURENTI, 1768) in sympatric populations. Herpetozoa 8 - get paper here
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  • Frotzler, Norbert, Nino Davitashvili, Konrad Mebert 2011. Distribution of the Dice snake (Natrix tessellata) in Georgia (transcaucasia) and Comparative notes on the Genus Natrix. Mertensiella 18: 357-365
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  • Geniez, Philippe 2018. Snakes of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Princeton University Press, 384 pp. - get paper here
  • Göçmen, Bayram and Wolfgang Böhme 2002. New evidence for the Occurence of the Dice Snake, Natrix tessellata (Laurenti, 1768) on Cyprus. Zoology of the Middle East 27: 29-34 - get paper here
  • Göçmen, Bayram; Mehmet K. Atatür; Abidin Budak; Hasan Bahar; Mehmet Zülfü Yildiz; Nurşen Alpagut-Keskin 2009. Taxonomic notes on the snakes of Northern Cyprus, with observations on their morphologies and ecologies. Animal Biology 59: 1–30 - get paper here
  • GOLUBOVIĆ, A.; M. ANĐELKOVIĆ, L. TOMOVIĆ, D. ARSOVSKI, S. GVOZDENOVIĆ, G. ŠUKALO, R. AJTIĆ & X. BONNET. 2021. Death-feigning propensity varies within dice snake populations but not with sex or colour morph. Journal of Zoology 314(3): 203–210. - get paper here
  • Göçmen, Bayram & Konrad Mebert 2011. The rediscovery of Natrix tessellata on Cyprus. Mertensiella 18: 383-388 - get paper here
  • Göçmen, Bayram, Kerim Çiçek, Mehmet Z. Yildiz, Mehmet K. Atatür, Yunus E. Dinçaslan & Konrad Mebert 2011. A Preliminary study on the Feeding Biology of the Dice snake (Natrix tessellata) in turkey. Mertensiella 18: 365-370 - get paper here
  • Grandison, A. G. C. 1978. Snakes of West Malaysia and Singapore. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 81 [1977]: 283-303 - get paper here
  • GRILLITSCH, H. & CABELA, A. 1992. Das potentielle Verbreitungsgebiet der Würfelnatter, Natrix t. tessellata (LAURENTI, 1768), in Österreich. Herpetozoa 5 - get paper here
  • Gruber, U. 2009. Die Schlangen Europas, 2. Aufl. Kosmos Naturführer, 266 pp.
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