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Phrynocephalus kangsuensis LIANG & SHI, 2024

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Phrynocephalus kangsuensis »

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Higher TaxaAgamidae (Agaminae), Sauria, Iguania, Squamata (lizards)
Common Names 
SynonymPhrynocephalus kangsuensis LIANG & SHI 2024: 9 
DistributionChina (Xinjiang)

Type locality: Near Kangsu Town (39.80N, 74.73F, altitude: 2,717 m), Wuqia County, Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China.  
TypesHolotype: Animal Herbarium of the College of Life Sciences, Xinjiang Agricultural University, male (field collection no. CX09247) and was collected by Lei Shi from Kangsu Town, Wuqia County, Kizilsu-Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang. The allotype was female (CX09246) and the paratypes consisted of four males (CX09243, CX09244, CX09245, and CX09248), all of which were collected from the vicinity of Kangsu Town, Wuqia County, Xinjiang, which has an altitude of 2,300 m above sea level.
  • Liang Q, Shi L. 2024. Species divergence in valleys: the phylogeny of Phrynocephalus forsythii complex and description of a new species. PeerJ 12:e17175 - get paper here
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