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Phymaturus sinervoi SCOLARO, DE LA CRUZ & IBARGÜENGOYTÍA, 2012

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Higher TaxaLiolaemidae, Iguania, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common Names 
SynonymPhymaturus sinervoi SCOLARO, DE LA CRUZ & IBARGÜENGOYTÍA 2012 
DistributionArgentina (Rio Negro)

Type locality: rocky outcrops (1000 m asl) of Cari Laufquen basaltic Tableland in Abi-Saad farm (41°02'12"S, 70°24'30.6"W), adjacent to Provincial Road 6, 61 km north of Ingeniero Jacobacci town, Rio Negro Province, Argentina  
Reproductionovovivparous. In captivity, two females gave birth to one and two fully developed offspring respectively early in February. 
TypesHolotype: MLP R. 5660, adult male. Collected by J.A. Scolaro, B. Sinervo, F. Méndez de la Cruz, J. Gutiérrez and N. R. Ibargüengoytía, December 14, 2010. Paratypes: MLP-R. 5661, adult male; MLP-R. 5662, adult female; MLP-R. 5663, adult female; MLP-R. 5664, adult male; JAS-DC 1887, adult female; JAS-DC 1896, adult male; UNCo-PH 1899, adult male; UNCo-PH 1839 adult female; UNCo-PH 1894, adult female; UNCo-PH 1895, adult male; UNCo-PH 1902, adult male. The same data as detailed for the holotype. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Phymaturus sinervoi is a member of the patagonicus group, distinguished from the neighbouring Phymaturus species by a peculiar colour pattern similar in both sexes (Fig. 3). The new species can be distinguished from the palluma = flagellifer group by having flat imbricate superciliaries rather than being rectangular and non-overlapping; slightly spiny and non-rugose caudal scales in verticilles (as seen among members of the palluma group). However, its subocular scale is not fragmented and it is separated from supralabials by two rows of lorilabials, as in most species of the patagonicus clade, but not seen in the majority of members of the palluma group. From the three geographically closer species, P. etheridgei, P. ceii and P. spectabilis, the new species P. sinervoi can be differentiated by its pattern of coloration (Fig. 5) as well as the morphological differences in snout-vent length, head length and width, hind or forelimb, finger and fourth toe length, axila-groin distance, finger lamellae, and in scales number, such as in supralabial, infralabial, lorilabial, scales around mental, subocular, and ventral scales (see results detailed above). P. sinervoi shows mainly a major body size and larger limbs, but minor number of ventral scales, when compared with P. ceii and P. etheridgei. The same results are obtained when compared with P. spectabilis, but showing a minor number of subocular and lorilabial rows of scales. 
Etymology“The species name is dedicated to honour our friend and colleague Dr. Barry Sinervo from the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California (USA), Santa Cruz; an evolutionary biologist and herpetologist who has enthusiastically and generously collaborated in many research projects in Patagonian herpetofauna for the last years.” 
  • Avila, Luciano Javier; Cristian Hernan Fulvio Perez, IGNACIO MINOLI & Mariana Morando 2014. A new lizard of the Phymaturus genus (Squamata: Liolaemidae) from Sierra Grande, northeastern Patagonia, Argentina. Zootaxa 3793 (1): 099–118 - get paper here
  • AVILA, LUCIANO JAVIER; LORENA ELIZABETH MARTINEZ & MARIANA MORANDO 2013. Checklist of lizards and amphisbaenians of Argentina: an update. Zootaxa 3616 (3): 201–238 - get paper here
  • Ibargüengoytía, Nora R.; Erika Kubisch, Facundo Cabezas-Cartes, Jimena B. Fernández, Fernando Duran, Carla Piantoni, Marlin S. Medina, and Barry Sinervo 2020. Effects of Acute and Chronic Environmental Disturbances on Lizards of Patagonia. In: Morando & Avila (eds.), Lizards of Patagonia. Springer Nature, pp. 373-406 - get paper here
  • Lobo, Fernando; Santiago Javier Nenda 2015. Discovery of two new species of Phymaturus (Iguania: Liolaemidae) from Patagonia, Argentina, and occurrence of melanism in the patagonicus group. Cuad. herpetol. 29 (1): 5-25
  • SCOLARO, JOSÉ ALEJANDRO; FAUSTO MÉNDEZ DE LA CRUZ & NORA R. IBARGÜENGOYTÍA 2012. A new species of Phymaturus of the patagonicus clade (Squamata, Liolaemidae) from isolated plateau of southwestern Rio Negro Province, Argentina. Zootaxa 3451: 17–30 - get paper here
  • Scolaro, José Alejandro; Valeria Corbalán, Osvaldo Fabián Tappari and Lorena Obregón Streitenberger 2016. LIZARDS AT THE END OF THE WORLD: A NEW MELANIC SPECIES OF PHYMATURUS OF THE PATAGONICUS CLADE FROM ROCKY OUTCROPS IN THE NORTHWESTERN STEPPE OF CHUBUT PROVINCE, PATAGONIA ARGENTINA (REPTILIA: IGUANIA: LIOLAEMIDAE). Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile, 65: 137-152
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