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Podarcis latastei (BEDRIAGA, 1879)

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Podarcis latastei »

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Higher TaxaLacertidae, Lacertinae, Sauria, Lacertoidea, Squamata (lizards)
SubspeciesPodarcis latastei lanzai (MERTENS 1967)
Podarcis latastei latastei (BEDRIAGA 1879)
Podarcis latastei palmarolae (MERTENS 1967)
Podarcis latastei pasquinii (LANZA 1967)
Podarcis latastei patrizii (LANZA 1952) 
Common NamesE: Pontian Wall Lizard
G: Pontinische Ruineneidechse
SynonymLacerta muralis var. latastei BEDRIAGA 1879: 209
Lacerta sicula latastei — TADDEI 1949: 231
Lacerta sicula latastei — MERTENS 1967: 130
Podarcis latastei latastei — SENCZUK et al. 2019

Podarcis latastei lanzai (MERTENS 1967)
Lacerta sicula lanzai MERTENS 1967: 131
Podarcis sicula lanzai — HENLE & KLAVER 1986: 300
Podarcis latastei lanzai — SENCZUK et al. 2019

Podarcis latastei palmarolae (MERTENS 1967)
Lacerta sicula palmarolae MERTENS 1967: 134
Podarcis sicula palmarolae — HENLE & KLAVER 1986: 300
Podarcis latastei palmarolae — SENCZUK et al. 2019

Podarcis latastei pasquinii (LANZA 1967)
Lacerta sicula pasquinii LANZA 1967
Lacerta sicula pasquinii MERTENS 1967: 136
Podarcis sicula pasquinii — HENLE & KLAVER 1986: 300
Podarcis latastei pasquinii — SENCZUK et al. 2019

Podarcis latastei patrizii (LANZA 1952)
Lacerta sicula patrizii LANZA 1952: 69
Lacerta sicula patrizii — MERTENS 1967: 133
Podarcis sicula patrizii — HENLE & KLAVER 1986: 300
Podarcis latastei patrizii — SENCZUK et al. 2019 
DistributionItaly (Pontinian Islands)

Type locality: Ponza

lanzai: Italy (Gavi); Type locality: Gavi.

palmarolae: Ialy (Palmorola); Type locality: “Palmarola”

pasquinii: Italy (Latium); Type locality: Cappello Rock, S of Palmarola Island, Latium, Italy (= Scoglio Capello).

patrizii: Italy (Zannone); Type locality: Zannone Island, Latium, Italy.  
TypesType: BMNH 1898.3.30.11 [latastei]
Holotype: SMF 58827 [lanzai]
Holotype: SMF 58837 [palmarolae]
Syntypes: MZUF (fide A. Nistri, pers. comm., 9 Oct 2018) [patrizii]
Holotype: MZUF [pasquinii] 
CommentSubspecies: Senczuk et al. 2019 elevated P. siculus latastei from subspecies to species level and moved 5 subspecies from siculus to latastei while they retained their subspecies status. 
  • Bedriaga, J. von 1879. Memoire sur les variétés européennes du lézard des murailles. Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, Paris, 4: 194-228 - get paper here
  • Bedriaga, J. von 1879. Herpetologische Studien. Archiv für Naturgeschichte XLIV: 259-320 [1878] - get paper here
  • Castiglia, Riccardo; Gabriele Senczuk, Wolfgang Böhme, and Claudia Corti 2021. In “defense” of Podarcis latastei, an Italian insular endemic species (Squamata: Lacertidae). Amphibia-Reptilia 42 (2): 263–267 - get paper here
  • Henle,K. & Klaver,C.J.J. 1986. Podarcis sicula (RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, 1810) - Ruineneidechse. In: Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas, Band 2/II., Echsen (Sauria) III (Lacertidae III: Podarcis). Böhme,W. (ed.). Aula-Verlag Wiesbaden, pp. 254-342
  • Lanza, B. 1952. Note critiche su alcune lucertole italiane e diagnosi preliminare di una nuova razza insulare. Natura, Milano 43 (3-4): 69-82, - get paper here
  • Lanza, B. 1967. Su due nuove razze insulari di Lacerta sicula e di Lacerta tiliguerta. Archo zool. ital. 51: 511-522 [1966]
  • Mertens, Robert 1967. Die Reptilien der Pontinischen Inseln. Senckenbergiana Biologica 48 (2): 125-144
  • Senczuk, G. & Castiglia, R. & Böhme, W. & Corti, C. 2019. Podarcis siculus latastei (Bedriaga, 1879) of the western Pontine islands (Italy) raised to the species rank, and a brief taxonomic overview of Podarcis lizards. Acta Herpetologica 14 (2): 71-80 - get paper here
  • Taddei, A. 1949. Le Lacerte (Archaeolacerte e Podarcis) dell’Italia peninsulare e delle Isole. Commentationes Pontificia Academia Scientarum, 13 (4): 197-274 - get paper here
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