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Pseudocalotes jingpo XU, GONG, HOU, WENG, LIU, DENG, HU & PENG, 2024

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Higher TaxaAgamidae (Draconinae), Sauria, Iguania, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesChinese: 景颇拟树蜥 (Jĩng Po Nĩ Shù Xi)
E: Jingpo False Garden Lizard 
SynonymPseudocalotes jingpo XU, GONG, HOU, WENG, LIU, DENG, HU & PENG 2024: 9 
DistributionChina (Yunnan)

Type locality: (24°40'13.44" N, 97°36'37.44' E, 970 m a. s. 1.), Yingjiang County, Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China  
TypesHolotype. QHU2024002 (field number LFR2023040, Figures 3 and 4), adult female, collected by Jundong Deng and Lifang Peng on 27 November 2023.
Paratypes. Two adult females: QHU2024001, QHU2024003 (field number LFR2023033, LFR2023041, Figure 5), and one subadult female: QHU2024004 (field number LFR2023042, Figure 5), all with the same collecting information as the holotype. 
  • Xu, Y., Gong, Y., Hou, M., Weng, S., Liu, S., Deng, J., ... & Peng, L. 2024. A New Species of the Genus Pseudocalotes (Squamata: Agamidae) from Southwest Yunnan, China. Animals, 14(6): 826 - get paper here
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