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Pseudopus apodus (PALLAS, 1775)

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Higher TaxaAnguidae (Anguinae), Diploglossa, Anguimorpha, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
SubspeciesPseudopus apodus apodus (PALLAS 1775)
Pseudopus apodus thracius (OBST 1978) 
Common NamesE: European Glass Lizard
G: Scheltopusik, Panzerschleiche
Croatian: blavor
Russian: Желтопузик 
SynonymLacerta apoda PALLAS 1775: 435
Chalcida apus — MEYER 1795: 31
Lacerta apus — SHAW & NODDER 1799: plate 411
Sheltopusik didactylus LATREILLE 1802
Pseudopus serpentinus MERREM 1820 (nom. subst.)
Pseudopus durvillii CUVIER 1829 (nomen dubium fide OBST 1980)
Pseudopus Fischeri MÉNESTRIÉS 1832
Pseudopus serpentinus — GERVAIS 1836: 311
Pseudopus Pallasii — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1839: 417
Pseudopus serpentinus — BERTHOLD 1840
Pseudopus Pallasii — GRAVENHORST 1851: 384
Pseudopus Pallasii — BRÜHL 1886
Ophisaurus apus — BOULENGER 1885: 280
Pseudopus Pallasii — LEYDIG 1886
Ophisaurus apus —BOETTGER 1889: 269
Ophisaurus apus — BOETTGER 1892: 137
Pseudopus pallasii — CAMP 1923: 365
Ophisaurus pallasii — CAMP 1923: 368
Ophisaurus apodus — MERTENS & MÜLLER 1928
Ophisaurus apodus — SMITH 1935: 395
Ophiosaurus apodus — LEVITON 1959 (in error)
Pseudopus apodus — KLEMBARA 1979
Ophisaurus apodus — OBST 1981
Ophisaurus apodus — KASPAREK 1990
Ophisaurus apodus — ENGELMANN et al 1993
Ophisaurus apodus — FRYNTA et al. 1997
Ophisaurus apodus — ANDERSON 1999
Anguis apodus — MACEY et al. 1999
Pseudopus apodus — ROITBERG et al. 2000
Ophisaurus apodus — PLESSAS 2002
Ophisaurus apodus — KUMLUTAS et al. 2004
Pseudopus apodus — RUTSCHKE et al. 2005
Pseudopus apodus apodus — JANDZIK et al. 2017
Pseudopus apodus apodus — JABLONSKI et al. 2021

Pseudopus apodus thracius (OBST 1978)
Ophisaurus apodus thracius OBST 1978
Ophisaurus apodus thracius — THIEME 1985
Ophisaurus apodus thracius — ENGELMANN et al. 1993
Ophisarus [sic] apodus thracius — CEVIK 1999
Pseudopus apodus thracius — STOEV 2000
Pseudopus apodus thracius — SCHLÜTER 2005
Pseudopus apodus thracius — JANDZIK et al. 2017
Pseudopus apodus thracius — JABLONSKI et al. 2021
Pseudopus apodus thracius — ZAUNER 2023

DistributionGreece (incl. Limnos, Rhodos, Lesbos, Corfu = Corfou, Chios, Samos), coastal Croatia, Hercegovina, Monte Negro, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Lebanon,
European Soviet Union (Caucasus, Dagestan), S Russia (Dagestan), S Ukraine, Republic of Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, W Tajikistan, S Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Israel

thracicus: northern coastal areas of the Black Sea, Bulgaria, Greece (Lesbos etc.)

Type locality: North Caucasus; Naryn Steppe, Russia (N coast of Caspian Sea) fide ANDERSON 1999. Obst 1978:136 considered this unlikely and restricts the type locality to the Terek River region.

levantinus: southern Turkey, western Syria, northern and central Israel; Type locality: Giv’at Ada (גבעת עדה), Israel)32.52°N, 35.01°E.  
TypesHolotype: unlocated fide ANDERSON 1999.
Holotype: MTD (= MTKD); Paratypes: ZISP 19642, ZFMK, MTD (= MTKD) [thracius]
Syntypes: ZISP 2403 [Pseudopus Fischeri]
Holotype. TAU-R 16895 (Fig. 6, Table S7), an adult male, collected on the 16th of May, 2014 by Erez Maza, at Giv’at Ada (גבעת עדה), Israel )32.52°N, 35.01°E, Fig. 7). The molecular-genetic data of the holotype are available for ND2 (MW400924), Cyt b (MW400903), and microsatellites (Fig. 2, Table S1, S2). Paratypes. TAU-R 17076 (MW400927, MW400906), an adult male, th collected on 19 May 2014 by Talia Oron, at Biranit (בירנית), Israel )33.05°N, 35.34°E(; TAU-R 17235 )MW400928, MW400907), an adult male, collected on 6th May 2015 by Ron Elazari, at Hadera (ֲח ֵד ָרה ), Israel )32.47°N, 34.89°E(; TAU-R 17895 )MW400930, MW400909), an adult הר( ’male, collected on 18th April 2016 by Ofer Shimoni, on Mt. Gilboa -Israel )32.45°N, 35.43°E(; TAU-R 19403, an adult male, col ,(הגלבוע th ,)רמת הנדיב( lected on 16 May 2019 by Amir Arnon, at Ramat HaNadiv Israel )32.55°N, 34.95°E( )Figs. 2, 8, Table S1, S2, S7) [levantinus] 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Ear opening distinct; vestiges ofhind limbs appearing as elongate papillae at sides of vent; pterygoid teeth in two series; dorsal scales keeled. See Obst (1978: 137) for distinctions between subspecies he recognizes (Anderson 1999: 114).

Additional details (2993 characters) are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
CommentSynonymy: Partly after BRYGOO 1987. KLEMBARA (1979) also transferred Ophisaurus moguntinus and Ophisaurus pannonicus to Pseudopus. Macey et al. (1999) found this species nested within other Ophisaurus species thereby the name Ophisaurus apodus is required to render the genus monophyletic.

Limb morphology: Limbless.

Type Species: Pseudopus serpentinus MERREM 1820 is the type species of the genus Pseudopus MERREM 1820.

Distribution: See map in SMID et al. 2014 for distribution in Iran. See Jandzik et al. 2017 for map of subspecies. These authors also identified a southern lineage that may be described as a separate subspecies. See Bar et al. 2021 for a map.

Fossils: Multiple fossil species of the Pseudopus lineage have been described, including P. rugosus (Klembara 2014) and P. ahnikoviensis (Klembara 2012) in the early Miocene, Pseudopus laurillardi (Klembara et al. 2010) in the middle Miocene, and Pseudopus pannonicus in the late Miocene and Pliocene (Klembara et al. 2010).

Karyotype: 2n = 44 (Altmanová et al. 2022) 
EtymologyNamed after Greek “pus, podos” = leg, pseudo = fake, and a-podus for no leg.
The German name “scheltopusik” is derived from Russian for “yellow belly” (Langner 2019).
P. a. levantinus has been named after the Levantine region. 
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  • Anderson, Steven C 1999. The lizards of Iran. Contributions to Herpetology Volume 15, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Saint Louis, Missouri: i-vii, 1-442 [review in Copeia 2000 (4): 1144] - get paper here
  • Andrea Villa, Massimo Delfino 2019. A comparative atlas of the skull osteology of European lizards (Reptilia: Squamata). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 187 (3): 829–928 - get paper here
  • Anooshe, K., Sohrab, A., Masoud, Y., Eskandar, R. P., Mahdi, R., Faraham, A., ... & Loïc, P. 2020. Reptile species richness associated to ecological and historical variables in Iran. Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher Group), 10(1) - get paper here
  • Arakelyan, Marine S.; Felix D. Danielyan, Claudia Corti, Roberto Sindaco, and Alan E. Leviton 2011. The Herpetofauna of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. SSAR, Salt Lake City, 154 pp. [ISBN: 978-0-916984-84-7.]
  • Bar, A., Haimovitch, G. and Meiri, S. 2021. Field guide to the amphibians and reptiles of Israel. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt Am Main. ISBN 9783-89973-120-0 - get paper here
  • Bar, Aviad and Guy Haimovitch 2012. A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Israel. Pazbar LTD, 246 pp. - get paper here
  • Bauer A.M. and Russell A.P 2017. Carl Bernhard Brühl and the Herpetological Contributions of his Zootomie aller Thierklassen. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 13 (1-2): 4-34 - get paper here
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  • Böhme, Wolfgang 2014. Herpetology in Bonn. Mertensiella 21. vi + 256 pp. - get paper here
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  • Brygoo, E. R. 1987. Les types d'Anguid és (Reptiles, Sauriens) du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle Catalogue critique. Bulletin du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, 4e ser., 9, sect. A (Zool., BioI. & Ecol. anim.), (2), supplement, 3-20. - get paper here
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  • Jablonski, Daniel 2018. Male-Male Combat in Pseudopus apodus (Reptilia: Anguidae). Russ. J. Herpetol. 25 (4): 293-298 - get paper here
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  • Jandzik, David; Daniel Jablonski, Jiří Moravec, Václav Gvoždík 2017. Pleistocene extinctions and recent expansions in an anguid lizard of the genus Pseudopus. Zoologica Scripta. 47: 21–32 [2018] - get paper here
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  • Klembara, Jozef; Miroslav Hain and Karolína Dobiašová 2014. Comparative Anatomy of the Lower Jaw and Dentition of Pseudopus apodus and the Interrelationships of Species of Subfamily Anguinae (Anguimorpha, Anguidae). Anatomical Record 297 (3): 516–544 - get paper here
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  • Obst F J 1980. Nachbemerkungen zur Subspezies-Gliederung des Scheltopusiks, Ophisaurus apodus (Pallas). (Reptilia, Squamata, Anguidae). SOZOOLOGISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN (DRESDEN) 36 (7): 127-129.
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