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Spondylurus fulgidus COPE, 1862

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Spondylurus fulgidus »

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Higher TaxaScincidae, Mabuyinae (Mabuyini), Scincoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Jamaican Skink 
SynonymSpondylurus fulgidus COPE 1862: 186
Lacerta mabouya — SHAW 1802: 287 (part)
Scincus sloanii — DAUDIN 1803: 287 (part)
Scincus sloanei — FITZINGER 1826: 23 (part)
Tiliqua sloanii — GRAY 1831: 70 (part)
Tiliqua sloanii — GRAY 1838: 293 (part)
Eumeces sloanii — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1839: 639 (part)
Mabouya sloanei — GRAY 1845: 94
Mabouya agilis — GOSSE 1849: 307 (part)
Mabouya agilis — GROSSE 1851: 75 (part)
Mabuia fulgida — COPE 1862: 185
Euprepes spilonotus — PETERS 1864: 50 (part)
Eupr[epes] spilonotus — PETERS 1871: 400
Euprepes (Mabuia) spilonotus — PETERS 1876: 708 (part)
Mabuya fulgida — BOCOURT 1879: 403
Mabuia sloanii — BOULENGER 1887: 193 (part)
Mabuia sloanii — GARMAN 1887
M[abuya] spilonotus — STEJNEGER 1904: 609
Mabuia sloanii — BARBOUR 1910: 299 (part)
Mabuya spilonota — BARBOUR 1914: 320
Mabuya spilonota — BARBOUR 1930: 105
Mabuya mabouya sloanii — DUNN 1936: 544 (part)
Mabuya mabouia — BARBOUR 1937: 147 (part)
Mabuya spilonotus — GRANT 1940: 111.
Mabuya spilonotus — MURRAY 1949: 128
Mabuya spilonota — COCHRAN 1961: 126
Mabuya spilonota — HORTON 1973: 85
Mabuya mabouya sloanei — SCHWARTZ & THOMAS 1975: 141 (part)
Mabuya mabouya mabouya — MACLEAN et al. 1977:6 (part)
Mabuya mabouya sloanei — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1988: 151 (part)
Mabuya mabouya sloanei — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1991: 457 (part)
Mabuya bistriata — POWELL et al. 1996: 82 (part).
Mabuya sloanii — MAYER & LAZELL 2000: 883 (part)
Mabuya sloanii — MIRALLES 2005: 49 (part)
Mabuya sloanii — HENDERSON & POWELL 2009: 293 (part)
Mabuya sloanii — WILSON 2011
Spondylurus fulgidus — HEDGES & CONN 2012: 154 

Type locality: Jamaica  
Reproductionviviparous (not imputed, fide Zimin et al. 2022) 
TypesLectotype: USNM 5759 collected on Jamaica, no specific locality, by Charles Baker Adams in 1844–49, designated by HEDGES & CONN 2012. Former syntypes: ANSP 9404-09 (6). 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Spondylurus fulgidus is characterized by (1) maximum SVL in males, 77.0 mm; (2) maximum SVL in females, 84.8 mm; (3) snout width, 2.21–3.73% SVL; (4) head length, 16.3–20.9% SVL; (5) head width, 11.0– 14.1% SVL; (6) ear length, 1.46–2.83% SVL; (7) toe-IV length, 9.07–12.9% SVL; (8) prefrontals, two; (9) supraoculars, four; (10) supraciliaries, five; (11) frontoparietals, two; (12) supralabial below the eye, five (25%), six (67%), seven (8%); (13) nuchal rows, two (68%), three (32%); (14) dorsals, 52–58; (15) ventrals, 55–65; (16) dorsals + ventrals, 108–120; (17) midbody scale rows, 28–32; (18) finger-IV lamellae, 12–16; (19) toe-IV lamellae, 14–19; (20) finger-IV + toe-IV lamellae, 27–35; (21) supranasal contact, N; (22) prefrontal contact, Y (52%), N (48%); (23) supraocular-1/frontal contact, Y (48%), N (52%); (24) parietal contact, Y; (25) pale middorsal stripe, Y; (26) dark dorsolateral stripe, Y; (27) dark lateral stripe, Y; (28) pale lateral stripe, Y; and (29) palms and soles, dark (Tables 3–5).
Within the Genus Spondylurus, S. fulgidus is separated from S. caicosae sp. nov., S. haitiae sp. nov., S. lineolatus, S. magnacruzae sp. nov., S. martinae sp. nov., S. powelli sp. nov., S. semitaeniatus, S. sloanii, and S. spilonotus by having a higher number of supraciliaries (five versus 3–4 in those other species). It differs from S. culebrae sp. nov., S. haitiae sp. nov., S. macleani, S. martinae sp. nov., S. monitae sp. nov., S. powelli sp. nov., and S. spilonotus by having a lower number of combined dorsals and ventrals (108–120 versus 121–134 in those other species). From S. anegadae sp. nov., S. culebrae sp. nov., S. monae sp. nov., S. monitae sp. nov., S. semitaeniatus, and S. sloanii, it is distinguished by having a lower dark dorsolateral stripe width/middorsal stripe width ratio (0.115–0.759 versus 0.874–3.79 in those other species). It is separated from S. haitiae sp. nov. and S. lineolatus by having a longer head (16.3–20.9% SVL versus 12.9–15.8% SVL in those other species). It differs from S. magnacruzae sp. nov. and S. spilonotus by having a lower number of midbody scale rows (28–32 versus 34 in those other species). It differs from S. caicosae sp. nov. and S. macleani by having solid dark lateral stripes and pale lateral stripes continuous to the hindlimbs (versus dark lateral stripes with paler spots and irregular pale lateral stripes that are discontinuous or absent at the hindlimbs in S. caicosae sp. nov. and no lateral stripes in S. macleani; Fig. 55B, D, G). It differs from S. turksae sp. nov. in having fewer dorsals (52–58 versus 59–63) and longer toes (toe-IV length 9.07–12.9% SVL versus 7.05–8.90% SVL). It is separated from S. anegadae sp. nov., S. culebrae sp. nov., S. monae sp. nov., and S. nitidus by having a higher number of supraciliaries (five versus 3–4 in 93–95% of specimens belonging to those other species) [HEDGES & CONN 2012]. 
EtymologyThe etymology was not provided in the original description. However, the species name (fulgidus) is a Latin feminine singular adjective meaning shining or brilliant, likely referring to the dorsal coloration of this species, described as "metallic" and "cupreous" (Cope 1862). 
  • Barbour, Thomas 1914. A Contribution to the Zoögeography of the West Indies, with Especial Reference to Amphibians and Reptiles. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy 44 (2): 205-359 - get paper here
  • Barbour, Thomas 1930. A list of Antillean Reptiles and Amphibians. Zoologica 11 (4): 61-116 - get paper here
  • Barbour,T. 1937. Third list of Antillean reptiles and amphibians. Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard 82 (2): 77-166 - get paper here
  • Bocourt, M. F. 1879. Etudes sur les reptiles, p. i-xiv, 1-1012. In Recherches Zoologiques pour servir a l'Histoire de Ia Faune de l'Amérique Centrale et du Mexique. Mission Scientifique au Mexique et dans l'Amérique Centrale, Recherches zoologiques. Part 2, sect. 1; In A. Duméril, M. F. Bocourt, and F. Mocquard, (1870-1909). Imprimerie Impériale, Paris [3, Pt. 6], pp. 360–440. - get paper here
  • Boulenger, G. A. 1887. Catalogue of the lizards in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) III. Lacertidae, Gerrhosauridae, Scincidae, Anelytropsidae, Dibamidae, Chamaeleontidae. London: 575 pp. - get paper here
  • Cochran, Doris M. 1961. Type specimens of reptiles and amphibians in the United States National Museum. [type catalogue] Bull. US Natl. Mus. (220): xvi + 291 pp. - get paper here
  • Cope, E.D. 1862. Catalogues of the reptiles obtained during the explorations of the Parana Paraguay, Vermejo and Uruguay rivers, by Capt. Thos. J. Page, U.S.N.; and of those procured by Lieut. N. Michier, U. S. Top. Eng., Commander of the expedition conducting the survey of the Atrato River. I. The Paraguay collection. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 14: 346-359. - get paper here
  • Daudin, F. M. 1802. Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Reptiles, Vol. 4. F. Dufart, Paris, 397 pp. - get paper here
  • Duméril, A. M. C. and G. Bibron. 1839. Erpétologie Générale on Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Vol. 5. Roret/Fain et Thunot, Paris, 871 pp. - get paper here
  • Dunn, Emmett Reid 1935. Notes on American Mabuyas. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 87: 533-560 - get paper here
  • Fitzinger, L. 1826. Neue Classification der Reptilien nach ihren natürlichen Verwandtschaften nebst einer Verwandschafts-Tafel und einem Verzeichnisse der Reptilien-Sammlung des K. K. Zoologischen Museums zu Wien. J. G. Heubner, Wien, 66 pp. - get paper here
  • Garman, S. 1887. On West Indian Reptiles. Scincidae. Bull. Essex Inst. 19: 51-53 - get paper here
  • Gosse, P. H. 1849. On the habits of Mabouya agilis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2) 3: 307-310 - get paper here
  • Gray, J. E. 1831. A synopsis of the species of Class Reptilia. In: Griffith, E & E. Pidgeon: The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organisation by the Baron Cuvier with additional descriptions of all the species hither named, and of many before noticed [Vol. 9]. Whittaker, Treacher and Co., London: 481 + 110 pp. [1830] - get paper here
  • Gray, J. E. 1845. Catalogue of the specimens of lizards in the collection of the British Museum. Trustees of die British Museum/Edward Newman, London: xxvii + 289 pp. - get paper here
  • Gray,J.E. 1839. Catalogue of the slender-tongued saurians, with descriptions of many new genera and species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 (11): 331-337 [continued from page 293] - get paper here
  • Hedges, S.B. & Conn, C.E. 2012. A new skink fauna from Caribbean islands (Squamata, Mabuyidae, Mabuyinae). Zootaxa 3288: 1–244 - get paper here
  • Henderson, Robert W. & Robert Powell 2009. NATURAL HISTORY OF WEST INDIAN REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS. University Press of Florida, 576 pp.
  • HORTON, D. R. 1973. Evolution in the genus Mabuya (Lacertilia, Scincidae). Unpubl. Ph.D.Thesis, University of New England, Armidale, Australia
  • Mayer, G.C. & Lazell, J. 2000. A new species of Mabuya (Sauria: Scincidae) from the British Virgin Islands. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 113 (4): 871-886 - get paper here
  • Miralles, Aurélien; Gilson A. Rivas & Walter E. Schargel 2005. A new species of Mabuya (Squamata, Scincidae) from the Venezuelan Andes. Zootaxa 895: 1–11 - get paper here
  • Peters, Wilhem Carl Hartwig 1871. Über eine von Hrn. Dr. Robert Abendroth in dem Hochlande von Peru gemachte Sammlung von Amphibien, welche derselbe dem Königl. zoologischen Museum geschenkt hat. Monatsber. königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. 1871 (August): 397-404 - get paper here
  • Peters,W.C.H. 1864. Die Eidechsenfamilie der Scincoiden, insbesondere über die Schneider'schen, Wiegmann'schen und neue Arten des zoologischen Museums. Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1864: 44-58 - get paper here
  • Powell, R., R. W. Henderson, K. Adler, And H. A. Dundee. 1996. An annotated checklist of West Indian amphibians and reptiles. In R. Powell and R. W. Henderson (eds.), Contributions to West Indian Herpetology: A Tribute to Albert Schwartz, p.51-93. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Ithaca (New York). Contributions to Herpetology, volume 12. [book review in Salamandra 36 (2): 136]
  • Schwartz, A. & Henderson, R.W. 1988. West Indian Amphibian and Reptiles: A Checklist. Milwaukee Publ. Mus. Contr. Biol. Geol. No. 74: 264 pp. - get paper here
  • Schwartz, A. & Henderson, R.W. 1991. Amphibians and Reptiles of the West Indies. University of Florida Press, Gainesville, 720 pp.
  • Schwartz, A. and R. Thomas. 1975. A checklist of West Indian amphibians and reptiles. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist. Spec. Publ. 1:1-216. - get paper here
  • Shaw, GEORGE 1802. General zoology or systematic natural history, vol. 3, Pt 1. Thomas Davison, London, viii+312 pp - get paper here
  • Stejneger, L. 1904. The herpetology of Porto Rico. Rept. United States Natl. Mus. 1902: 549-724. - get paper here
  • Wilson, Byron S. 2011. Conservation of Jamaican amphibians and reptiles. In: Hailey et al., eds, Conservation of Caribbean Island Herpetofaunas Volume 2: 273-310 - get paper here
  • Zimin, A., Zimin, S. V., Shine, R., Avila, L., Bauer, A., Böhm, M., Brown, R., Barki, G., de Oliveira Caetano, G. H., Castro Herrera, F., Chapple, D. G., Chirio, L., Colli, G. R., Doan, T. M., Glaw, F., Grismer, L. L., Itescu, Y., Kraus, F., LeBreton 2022. A global analysis of viviparity in squamates highlights its prevalence in cold climates. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 00, 1–16 - get paper here
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