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Stenocercus leybachi »

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Higher TaxaTropiduridae, Iguania, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common Names 
DistributionPeru (Huánuco)

Type locality: Comunidad Saria, Chaglla (9°43’27.7”S, 75°48’35.9”W, 1,082 m), Huánuco Province, Huánuco Department, Peru  
TypesHolotype. CORBIDI 16397, an adult male, collected by D. Vásquez on 11 October 2015.
Paratypes (22). PERU: HUÁNUCO DEPARTMENT: Huánuco Province: CORBIDI 9323, adult female, from Chinchavito (9° 33’ 27.2”S, 75° 55’ 07.1”W, 824 m), collected by P.J. Venegas on 16 June 2011; CORBIDI 13659, juvenile male, from Miraflores (9°41’0.11”S, 75°50’33.44”W, 1,270 m), collected by V. Duran and L. Lujan on 11 October 2013; CORBIDI 16390, a juvenile, CORBIDI 16394–95 and 16398, males, CORBIDI 16399–16400, females, from Saria, Chaglla (9°42’55.4”S, 75°49’3”W, 1,151 m), collected by D. Vásquez on 24 August 2015 and 10 October 2015; CORBIDI 16412 juvenile, CORBIDI 16428–29, 16431, females, CORBIDI 16432, juvenile, CORBIDI 16437, female, from Agua Nueva, Chinchao (9°41’59.82”S, 75°49’55.39”W, 1,115 m), collected by J. C. Chávez-Arribasplata within 24 to 28 September 2015 and 1 to 4 October 2015; CORBIDI 16525–26, a juvenile and female, CORBIDI 16532–33, male and juvenile, CORBIDI 16539, female, and CORBIDI 16594, juvenile, also from Agua Nueva, Chinchao (9°43’6.67”S, 75°48’56.1”W, 1,185 m), collected by A.C. Barboza within 10 to 15 November 2015; Pachitea Province: CORBIDI 13333, male, from Casa de Máquinas, Chaglla (9°42’17.81”S, 75°49’47.96”W, 928 m), collected by V. Duran and L. Luján on August 2013; CORBIDI 13334, male, from El Waro, Chaglla (9°41’55.87”S, 75°49’46.56”W, 927 m), collected by V. Duran and L. Luján on August 2013. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Stenocercus leybachi differs from all other Stenocercus species, except S. arndti, S. asenlignus sp. nov., S. bolivarensis, S. carrioni, S. chlorostictus, S. crassicaudatus, S. empetrus, S. eunetopsis, S. flagracanthus, S. nigrocaudatus sp. nov., S. qalaywasi sp. nov., S. torquatus, and S. simonsii, by having granular scales on posterior surface of thighs, relatively short tail, caudals spinose and two caudal whorls per autotomic segment. Nevertheless, S. leybachi can be easily distinguished from all aforementioned species by having a distinct serrate low crest on neck, that in some specimens reach to the middle of the dorsum.
We found the arboreal S. chinchaoensis, a species known from the Upper Huallaga Basin at Huánuco Department (Venegas et al. 2013), sympatric with S. leybachi in the locality of Agua Nueva, Chinchao district, at elevations of 1,115 to 1,200 m. This species also has the ability to change color between green and gray, however this has a longer tail (tail length 61–64% of total length versus 52–58% of total length, respectively) and caudal scales not spinose. Stenocercus boettgeri is another green species distributed in the Amazon slope of central Peru from Huánuco, Pasco and Junín departments, at elevations between 2900 and 3250 m (Torres-Carvajal 2007b). Although this species can be confused with S. leybachi, the former species can be readily distinguished by having the lateral neck scales less than half the size of dorsal neck scales (dorsal and lateral neck scales similar in size in S. leybachi) and lacking a spinose tail. (Venegas et al. 2022)

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EtymologyThe specific name leybachi is a patronym for Achim Leybach of Marktsteft, Germany, in recognition of his financial support for the taxonomic work and biodiversity research through the BIOPAT-Programme. 
  • Kwet, A. 2023. Liste der im Jahr 2022 neu beschriebenen Reptilien. Elaphe 2023 (3): 48-73
  • VENEGAS, P. J., GARCÍA-AYACHI, L. A., CHÁVEZ-ARRIBASPLATA, J. C., & GARCÍA-BRAVO, Antonio 2022. Four new species of polychromatic spiny-tailed iguanian lizards, genus Stenocercus (Iguania: Tropiduridae), from Peru. Zootaxa 5115 (1): 1-28 - get paper here
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