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Stenocercus marmoratus (DUMÉRIL & BIBRON, 1837)

IUCN Red List - Stenocercus marmoratus - Least Concern, LC

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Higher TaxaTropiduridae, Iguania, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common Names 
SynonymTrachycyclus marmoratus DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1837: 356
Heterotropis (Trachycyclus) marmoratus FITZINGER 1843: 71
Stenocercus marmoratus — BOULENGER 1885: 132
Stenocercus difficilis WERNER 1910: 23
Stenocercus marmoratus — PETERS et al. 1970: 256
Stenocercus marmoratus — DIRKSEN & DE LA RIVA 1999
Stenocercus marmoratus — TORRES-CARVAJAL 2007 
DistributionC Bolivia (Chuquisaca, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Tarija), Argentina (Salta)

Type locality: “province de Rio-Rande” (in error); Pampa Ruíz, between Valle Grande and El Pescado, De La Laguna Province, east of Chuquisaca, bolivia (D’Orbigny 1847).  
TypesHolotype: MNHN-RA 2513 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: TORRES-CARVAJAL 2007. 
CommentSynonymy after Peters et al. 1970 and Torres et al. 2000. 
EtymologyNamed after Latin marmoratus, marbled; overlaid with marble. [“...Dos largement marbré de brun, sur un fond fauve..."]. (from Esteban Lavilla, pers. comm., May 2024) 
  • AVILA, LUCIANO JAVIER; LORENA ELIZABETH MARTINEZ & MARIANA MORANDO 2013. Checklist of lizards and amphisbaenians of Argentina: an update. Zootaxa 3616 (3): 201–238 - get paper here
  • Boulenger, G.A. 1885. Catalogue of the lizards in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol. 2, Second edition. London, xiii+497 pp. - get paper here
  • Carranza, S.; E. N. Arnold & F. Amat 2004. DNA phylogeny of Lacerta (Iberolacerta) and other lacertine lizards (Reptilia: Lacertidae): did competition cause long-term mountain restriction? Systematics and Biodiversity 2 (1): 57-77 - get paper here
  • Cruz et al. 1996. Stenocercus marmoratus [geographic distribution]. Herpetological Review 27 (4): 211 - get paper here
  • Cruz, Félix B.;Scrocchi, Gustavo J.;Moro, Silvia A. 1996. Geographic Distribution. Stenocercus marmoratus. Herpetological Review 27 (4): 211 - get paper here
  • D'Orbigny A. & BIBRON 1837. Voyage dans l’Amérique Méridionale, Tome 5, 1re Partie: Reptiles. Paris, P. Bertrand, Strasbourg, V.e Levrault [1837-1847] [SSAR reprint 1975]
  • Dirksen, L. & De la Riva, I. 1999. The lizards and amphisbaenians of Bolivia (Reptilia, Squamata): checklist, localities, and bibliography. Graellsia 55: 199-215 - get paper here
  • Duméril, A. M. C. and G. Bibron. 1837. Erpétologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complete des Reptiles. Vol. 4. Libr. Encyclopédique Roret, Paris, 570 pp. - get paper here
  • Fitzinger, L. 1843. Systema Reptilium, fasciculus primus, Amblyglossae. Braumüller et Seidel, Wien: 106 pp. - get paper here
  • Harvey, M. B. 1997. Reptiles and amphibians from the vicinity of El Palmar in the Andes of Chuquisaca. In: Schulenberg, T. & Awbrey, K. (eds.), A rapid assessment of the humid forests of south centra Chuquisaca, Bolivia. Conservation International, Washington , RAP Working Papers 8: 33-36, 83-84.
  • Rivas, Luis Rolando; Mendoza-Miranda, Patricia; Muñoz-Saravia, Arturo 2018. Lista preliminar de la herpetofauna del Parque Nacional Torotoro, Potosí, Bolivia . Pp. 6. Cuad. herpetol. 32 (1): 41-46 - get paper here
  • Torres, S.; Scrocchi, G.J. & Harvey, M.B. 2000. The South American Tropidurid lizard Stenocercus marmoratus: Redescription, distribution, and natural history. Journal of Herpetology 34 (1): 129-134 - get paper here
  • Werner,F. 1910. Über neue oder seltene Reptilien des Naturhistorischen Museums in Hamburg. ii. Eidechsen. Jahrb. Hamburg. Wiss. Anst., vol. 27 (1909), suppl. no. 2, 1910, pp. 1-46; reprinted: 1910, Mitteil. Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, vol. 27: 205-) - get paper here
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