Tarentola substituta JOGER, 1984
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Higher Taxa | Phyllodactylidae, Gekkota, Sauria, Squamata (lizards: geckos) |
Subspecies | |
Common Names | E: Cape Verde Wall Gecko |
Synonym | Tarentola caboverdiana substituta JOGER 1984: 103 Tarentola delalandii — BOULENGER 1885: 199 (part.) Tarentola delalandii var. rudis — LOVERIDGE 1947: 334 (part.) Tarentola delalandei delalandei — DEKEYSER & VILLIERS 1951: 1152 (part.) Tarentola caboverdianus caboverdianus — SCHLEICH 1984 (part.) Tarentola caboverdiana substituta — SCHLEICH 1987: 46 Tarentola caboverdiana substituta — JOGER 1993 Tarentola (Makariogecko) caboverdiana substituta — CARRANZA et al. 2000 Tarentola caboverdiana substituta — KÖHLER et al. 2007 Tarentola substituta — VASCONCELOS et al. 2012: 347 Tarentola substituta — MORAVEC 2023 |
Distribution | S. Vicente (Cape Verde Islands), Azores; probably introduced to Santo Antao Island Type locality: S. Vicente (Cape Verde Islands). |
Reproduction | oviparous (not imputed, fide Zimin et al. 2022) |
Types | Holotype: ZMH R01687; 3 paratypes ZMH R01686, ZMH R01688-1689. |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis (substituta): Medium-sized gecko (maximum SVL 65.5 mm, 51.6 mm on average), eye/ear opening ratio between 1.5 and 2 (Schleich, 1987); ear–eye/eye–snout distance ratio ≤ 1 (Schleich, 1987). Eight to 11 supralabials and seven to nine infralabials (Schleich, 1987); eight to nine enlarged lamellae under the 4th finger; 146–167 midbody scales (Joger, 1984b); oval to round conical and saddle-like more-or-less keeled dorsal tubercles (Fig. 5B1) with 14–20 longitudinal lines (Schleich, 1987); no tubercles between the eye and the ear opening. Dorsal pattern with symmetrical butterfly- or X-shaped dark dorsal cross bands often lined with whitish tubercles posteriorly; vertebral stripe absent or reduced to a narrow light line (Figs 6B1, 7B1); cream to yellowish ventral parts; generally white labials; blackish eye iris with golden upperparts. Smaller scales than the other Tarentola species from clades B and C, and greater number of scales around midbody (Joger, 1984b). It differs from Tarentola from clade B from Desertas (clade B2 in Fig. 2) by its larger SVL and higher number of dorsal bands; four to five from the neck to the caudal region some- times surrounded by white tubercles (Joger, 1984b); and from Tarentola from Santo Antão (clade B3 in Fig. 2) by the head length being longer than the anterior limbs and by presenting a higher number of interorbital scales, usually 21 or more, and from specimens from clade C by a lower number of scales and lamellae under the fifth toe (Joger, 1984b); MORPHOBANK M44991–M44994, M55646–M55698 [VASCONCELOS et al. 2012]. |
Comment | Synonymy after Filipe Sousa (pers. comm.) and VASCONCELOS et al. 2012. |
Etymology | Named after Latin substituta, substitute; make alternative, for confusion and replacement of names across type localities in Schleich [”Bedauerlicherweise änderte SCHLEICH 1982 die Terra typica für seine Nominatform "T. c. caboverdianus" in Sto. Antão um, während in dem ursprünglichen, mir von ihm zur Verfügung gestellten Manuskript S. Vicente als Terra typica genannt war. Da ich im Gegensatz zu SCHLEICH die beiden Inselpopulationen für subspezifisch unterscheidbar halte, hatte ich ursprünglich vor, den Gecko von Sto. Antão neu zu beschreiben ("T. c. a." bzw. "antoensis" in JOGER 1984a). Nach dem von SCHLEICH vorgenommenen Austausch wird nunmehr die Form von S. Vicente unter dem Namen substituta ("die Ausgetauschte") beschrieben.”] |
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