Tropidoscincus variabilis (BAVAY, 1869)
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Higher Taxa | Scincidae, Eugongylinae (Eugongylini), Scincoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards) |
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Synonym | Tropidolopisma variabilis BAVAY 1869: 26 Lygosoma röhssii ANDERSSON 1908: 4 Lygosoma variable — WERNER 1910: 270 Lygosoma (Leiolopisma) variable [sic] — SMITH 1937: 225 Leiolopisma variabile — GREER 1974: 17 Leiolopisma variabile — ZUG 1985 Leiolopisma viriable — BAUER & DEVANEY 1987 (in error) Tropidoscincus rohssii — SADLIER 1987: 30 Tropidoscincus variabilis — SADLIER 1987: 24 Tropidoscincus roehssii — BAUER & VINDUM 1990 Tropidoscincus variabilis — BAUER & VINDUM 1990 Leiolopisma variabile — FRANK & RAMUS 1995 Tropidoscincus roehssii — ADLER, AUSTIN & DUDLEY 1995 Tropidoscincus variabilis — ADLER, AUSTIN & DUDLEY 1995 Tropidoscincus variabilis — SADLIER & BAUER, 2000 |
Distribution | New Caledonia roehssii: SE New Caledonia. Type locality: “Nouvelle-Calédonie” (by implication). |
Reproduction | oviparous (not imputed, fide Zimin et al. 2022) |
Types | Syntypes: MNHN-RA 6225 (1870.5, 2975A), 6225A, 6210 (1870.5, 2975B), 6210A, New Caledonia, collected M. Marie; 7129 (1870.97, 2969A), New Caledonia, collected M. Panchen, 25.viii.1870) (see Brygoo, 1985). The existence of syntypes renders invalid the designation of a neotype (AMS R77875, Mt Panie, New Caledonia) by Sadlier (1987: 24). |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis. Tropidoscincus variabilis can be distinguished from both Tropidoscincus aubrianus and Tropidoscincus rohssii by the scales on the posterior aspect of the thighs being small, juxtaposed, and sharply demarcated from large overlapping scales on dorsum of thigh, whereas T. aubrianus and T. rohssii have the scales on the posterior aspect of the thighs overlapping and evenly decreasing in size ventrally. Tropidoscincus variabilis is further distinguished from T. aubrianus by possesssing more midbody scale rows (36-40 vs 32-34); fewer paravertebral scales (49-58 vs 58-62); more premaxilliary teeth (11 vs 9); juveniles with pale dorsolateral stripe extending only to middorsum vs full length of dorsum to level of hindlimbs in juvenile T. aubrianus. Tropidoscincus variabilis further differs from T. rohssii by its generally larger adult body size (maximum SVL 95 mm vs 78 mm). () |
Comment | Synonymy: Lygosoma röhssii has been synonymized with T. variabilis by SADLIER & BAUER, 2000. Abundance: Common where it is found. |
Etymology | Apparently named after the Latin adjective variabilis, "changeable”, or "variable", for its variable color pattern. |
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