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Woodworthia chrysosiretica (ROBB, 1980)

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Woodworthia chrysosiretica »

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Higher TaxaDiplodactylidae, Gekkota, Sauria, Squamata (lizards: geckos)
Common NamesE: Gold-stripe gecko, Golden Sticky-toed Gecko 
SynonymHoplodactylus chrysosireticus ROBB 1980
Hoplodactylus chrysosireticus — KLUGE 1993
Hoplodactylus chrysosireticus — RÖSLER 2000: 90
Woodworthia chrysosireticus — NIELSEN et al. 2011
Woodworthia chrysosiretica — HITCHMOUGH et al. in CHAPPLE 2016
Woodworthia chrysosiretica — GOLLIN et al. 2020 
DistributionNew Zealand (Mana Island, Kapiti Island,Taranaki, North Island)

Type locality: Taranaki  
TypesHolotype: NMNZ R25 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: A medium sized Hoplodactylus; nostril excluded from rostral; rostral 2.5 to 3.0 times as broad as deep; mental subtriangular; length of dilated portion of 4th toe approximately 2.5 times its width and 2.6 times length of distal phalange; inferior lamellae of digits curved, anterior lamellae sometimes chevronshaped; males with 4 to 5 series of preanal pores and 2 short series of femoral pores; 1 enlarged blunt-ended scale on each side of hemipenial pouches. Colour basically brown or olive with longitudinal stripes of lighter and darker shades. 
EtymologyThe specific name is derived from the Greek chrysos, gold, and sciretion, stripe, in recognition of the popular name "gold-stripe gecko" by which this species has become known. 
  • Gollin, J. F., Gorman, N., & Armstrong, D. P. 2020. Twenty years on: changes in lizard encounter rates following eradication of rats from Kāpiti Island. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 45(1), [2021] - get paper here
  • Hitchmough, Rodney A.; Geoffrey B. Patterson, and David G. Chapple 2016. Putting a Name to Diversity: Taxonomy of the New Zealand Lizard Fauna. in: Chapple, D.G. (ed). New Zealand Lizards. Springer, pp. 87-108 - get paper here
  • Melgren, Philip. 2012. Observations from a goldstripe gecko, Woodworthia chrysosireticus, population in suburban New Plymouth. BioGecko (1): 34-37 - get paper here
  • Nielsen, Stuart V.; Aaron M. Bauer, Todd R. Jackman, Rod A. Hitchmough and Charles H. Daugherty 2011. New Zealand geckos (Diplodactylidae): Cryptic diversity in a post-Gondwanan lineage with trans-Tasman affinities. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 59 (1): 1-22 - get paper here
  • Robb J 1980. Three new species of gekkonid lizards, genera Hoplodactylus Fitzinger and Heteropholis Fischer, from New Zealand. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NEW ZEALAND RECORDS 1(19) 1980: 305-310
  • Robb,J. 1980. New Zealand Amphibians and Reptiles in Colour. Collins, Auckland, 128 pp.
  • Rösler, H. 2000. Kommentierte Liste der rezent, subrezent und fossil bekannten Geckotaxa (Reptilia: Gekkonomorpha). Gekkota 2: 28-153
  • Rowlands, Rod 1997. The mystery of the golden sticky-toed gecko. Reptile & Amphibian Magazine 1997 (Mar./Apr.): 18
  • Winkel, D. van, Baling, M. & Hitchmough, R. 2018. Reptiles and Amphibians of New Zealand: A field guide. Auckland University Press, Auckland, 376 pp.
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